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Wandknight Line Art.jpg
Pilot Renk, Helmholtz
Height 18.5 sharl
Dry weight 16.8 kahn
Equipped weight 20.3 kahn
Sub-generator output 380
Mn. generator coefficient 3.5
Operation time 520 tsitol
Frame durability 240
Reactive level 1.4
Ether response 28.4
Ground speed 245 repsol
Flight speed 760 repsol
Equipped weapon(s) Power Beam Cannon x1

Wandknight is a Gear piloted by Renk and Helmholtz in Xenogears.


The Wandknight is able to fly for a short time due to the wings on its shoulders that provide a small scale hover ability. It was made with the intent of having strong maneuverability. It was originally tested along with 5 other types of Gears. Renk was originally meant to pilot a Gear called Lanceknight, but it was lost in a transport during a guerilla battle. As such he was assigned to this model. After it was supplied with a power beam weapon which was exclusively used by the Gebler Special Forces. This made it very difficult to be captured.


Wandknight makes up two of the five Gears utilized by the Gebler Special Forces, specifically piloted by Renk and Helmholtz. It is the only unit to be shared by multiple members of the squadron. They first appear when the group launches a night time attack on the Pirate's Headquarters. Bart and Citan take them on in combat. Fei later encounters the two gears in the mountains near the Aveh - Kislev border, and has to take them on. They are used one final time in the game when Gebler launches an attack on Nortune. During this battle Fei and Rico fight them.

As a boss[edit]
