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Reaction (XC2)

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For other articles titled "Reaction", see Reaction (disambiguation).

Reactions are a property of attacks in the combat of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. When a character is inflicted with a reaction, their current action is interrupted in some way.


The four stages of the Driver Combo: Break, Topple, Launch, and Smash are each reactions, as are Knockback and Blowdown. Each of these prevent the afflicted character from moving and attacking for a duration, and may forcibly reposition the character.

Reactions may be inflicted upon party members and enemies, with the exception of enemies with the Immovable flag (such as the Power Lines). Independently of this, enemies may also be immune to any or all of the reactions. Party member immunity to reactions is rare; Seal Blowdown and The Chosen One are examples of immunity-granting effects.

When a reaction is inflicted upon a party Driver in main-game Xenoblade Chronicles 2 during a Special, the Special will continue (as it is performed by the Blade). Similarly, Blade Arts and Rear Guard Arts are not interrupted by reactions.

Reactions have a priority system: Knockback cannot be inflicted on characters suffering from Blowdown, and neither can be inflicted on characters suffering from Topple, Launch, or Smash.

Reaction infliction formula[edit]

Reactions are not guaranteed to be inflicted. The chance that a given reaction infliction will be successful is as follows, assuming the target is not immune:

inflictChance = (1 - targetBaseResistance - bocRageResistance) * enemyInArtAnimation
                + sqrt(sourceLuck) - sqrt(targetLuck)
                + sum of sourceResistanceDecrease - sum of targetResistanceIncrease
                - (2% * AttackPower_geq100 * SturdinessBonus)
                - LevelDifference


  • targetBaseResistance is the target's base resistance to the reaction. This is independently set for each reaction for each enemy; it is usually zero for Topple, Launch, and Smash, and either 0 or 40% for Break, Knockback, and Blowdown. The latter is generally 40% for unique monsters and Challenge Battle Mode enemies (unless the target is immune). For player-controlled characters, it is 0.
  • bocRageResistance is 50% for enraged enemy targets in Bringer of Chaos difficulty, and 0 otherwise.
  • AttackPower_over100 is equal to the "Enemy Attack Power" difficulty setting if the target of the attack is an enemy and if Enemy Attack Power is greater than 100% (it is 125%=1.25 in Bringer of Chaos difficulty). If the target is a party member, or if Enemy Attack Power is less than or equal to 100%, this value is 0. AttackPower_geq100 is similar: it is the Enemy Attack Power setting if this is greater than or equal to 100% and the target is an enemy, otherwise it is zero. Specifically, it is nonzero in Normal difficulty, whereas AttackPower_over100 is zero in Normal.
  • enemyInArtAnimation is equal to min(0.8, 1 - 2 * AttackPower_over100/10) if the enemy is in an Art animation, and 1 otherwise.
  • sourceLuck and targetLuck are the Luck stat of the attacker and the target respectively. If the target is an enemy, targetLuck is implicitly multiplied by (1 + AttackPower_over100 / 10).
  • sourceResistanceDecrease consists of any passive effect on the attacker that decreases enemy resistance to the given reaction, such as the effects of The Aegis and Beta Scopes.
  • targetResistanceIncrease consists of any passive effect on the target that increases resistance to the given reaction, such as Steadfast.
  • SturdinessBonus is the enemy "Sturdiness Bonus" stat: 0, 1, 2, or 3 (internally called "ChrSize"; it is only loosely correlated with enemy size). It only applies to Break resistance.
  • LevelDifference is an additional reaction resistance effect for enemies which are 10 or more levels above the attacker.

A chance "above 100%" is equivalent to 100% (guaranteed to inflict), and a chance "below 0%" is equivalent to 0% (guaranteed to resist).

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