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Draw Aggro

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Draw Aggro
Caption Draw aggro from enemies in battle.
Type Buff
Base value 50
Base duration Indefinite
Base cooldown 20s
Trigger interval 3s
Base probability 75%

Draw Aggro is a Blade Art and associated buff in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It generates temporary aggro for the recipient equal to (120 * L + 1800) * X * 0.01, where L is the recipient's level and X is the effect's strength (base 50). The effect triggers 75% of the time whenever someone other than the Blade's Driver has aggro; this check is attempted constantly, so due to the retry lockout, in practice it is retried every 3 seconds.

When a character uses this Blade Art, they call out a line unique to that character.


Blade Cooldown modifier
Brighid 0.75x
Cressidus 0.5x
Electra 1.5x
Finch 1.5x
Godfrey 1x
Kasandra 1.25x
Newt 1.5x
Poppibuster 1x

In addition, Poppi can use this art when equipped with AC Aggro Draw.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Draw Aggro
Japan flag.svg Japanese ヘイト獲得
France flag.svg French Focalisation d'hostilité
Germany flag.svg German Wutsteigerung
Spain flag.svg Spanish Atraer Rabia
Italy flag.svg Italian Attrazione ira
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 获取仇恨值
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 獲取仇恨值
South Korea flag.svg Korean 어그로 획득