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Back Attack Up

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Back Attack Up
Caption Increases backstab dmg; halves aggro.
Type Buff
Base value 50
Base duration 15s
Base cooldown 20s
Trigger interval 3s
Base probability 75%

Back Attack Up (called out as Blind Spot) is a Blade Art and associated buff in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It increases damage the recipient deals from behind by 50%, in addition to halving aggro from such attacks, for 15 seconds. The effect triggers 75% of the time whenever it is not active; this check is attempted constantly, so due to the retry lockout, in practice it is retried every 3 seconds.


Blade Cooldown modifier
Floren 1x
Kora 0.5x
Nim 1x
Roc 0.75x
Sheba 1x
Shulk 1x
Vale 0.75x

In addition, Poppi can use this art when equipped with AC Back Attack Up.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Back Attack Up
Japan flag.svg Japanese 背面攻撃アップ
France flag.svg French Attaque par derrière ↑
Germany flag.svg German Rückangriff↑
Spain flag.svg Spanish Ataque Dorsal ↑
Italy flag.svg Italian Attacco da dietro ↑
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 背面攻击提升
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 背面攻擊上升
South Korea flag.svg Korean 후방 공격 업