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Elru is a country that existed in Xenogears. It was destroyed several years before the events of the game.


Elru is a country that rebelled against Solaris. As a result, 6 years before the events of the game, Solaris performed a purge on the country. Grahf brought Id to Elru to test his capabilities. As a result of Id's power, not only was Elru destroyed, but the Solaris forces were also wiped out. Ramsus was present for these events and was forever scarred by them, calling Id the "Demon of Elru". When Ramsus first encounters Fei in the game he thinks back to when Elru was destroyed by Id and continues to have nightmares of the events.

The only survivors of Elru were Dominia, who was recruited by Ramsus to become one of the Elements, and Sigmund, who left years earlier and rose through the ranks of the Kislev military, eventually becoming Kaiser.


Elru existed on the northern part of a continent that appears in the southeastern portion of the world, directly to the south of Ignas. In the present day the continent includes Taura's House and the Mass Driver.