Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III

Togashi Yukihira

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Togashi Yukihira
Togashi Yukihira.png
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 22 (Episode I & II)
23 (Episode III)
Japanese VA Tetsu Inada
English VA Ed Cunningham (Episode III)
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga: The Animation

Togashi Yukihira is a minor character in the Xenosaga series. He is a member of the Vector Industries First R&D Division.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]

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  • Togashi's hobby is judo.
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Episode I


BORN: T.C. 4745
AGE: 22 years old

A younger colleague of Allen.

Togashi joined Vector's First R&D Division right after the incident in which KOS-MOS went out of control.

He finds great satisfaction in giving his mentor Allen a hard time.

His hobby is judo.
And he is in love with Miyuki -- maybe.

Episode III

Yukihira Togashi

Yukihira Togashi Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Researcher at Vector First R&D Division.

Researcher at the KOS-MOS Project General Operations Systems Development Lab. His hobby is judo.

He entered Vector First R&D Division immediately after the incident in which KOS-MOS went out of control.

Though in love with his co-worked Miyuki, she transferred to the Second R&D Division before he had made a move; his sensitive soul, at odds with his appearance, was left holding the pain of unrequited love.

Partially in hopes of distracting himself from his hurt feelings, he makes teasing Allen, the new Chief, a crucial part of his daily routine.



Togashi Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png


T. C. 4745年生まれ。22歳。ウオークリンテの搭乗員の一人で、アレンの後輩。シオンにかれているアレンの気持ちを分かっていて、からかうのが大好 きらしい。柔道で体をえていた者らしく頑丈な体をしている。おまけに短髪で見るからに体育会系。とてもオペレーターには見えない。

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Xenosaga I & II


T.C.4745生まれ。22歳。 ヴェクター第一開発局KOS‐MOS開発計画総合オペレーションシステム開発室の研究員。 趣味は柔道。 KOS‐MOSの暴走事故直後にヴェクター第一開発局に入局した。

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ユキヒラ・トガシ その2

同僚のミユキに惚れていたのだが、何もアクションを起こせぬまま、ミユキが第二開発局に異動となり、傷心。 外見に似合わず届かぬ想いに心を痛める繊細な一面も持っている。

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Episode III[edit]


Character portraits[edit]

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