Xenosaga Episode I

The Resurrection

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The Resurrection
Original Title The Resurrection
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Language Latin
Length 1:54
Used in Xenosaga Episode I
Other versions The Miracle

The Resurrection is Disc 1, Track 4 on the Xenosaga Original Soundtrack and Disc 2, Track 3 on the Xenosaga Episode I album. It is a version of The Miracle with only vocals, slightly different lyrics and sung more continuously/with more melisma. The melody at 1:02 is shared with Ormus.

It does not play in-game in Xenosaga Episode I.

The lyrics were written by Tetsuya Takahashi and translated into Latin by Ukon Kurisawa.


Gloria Domino
In Vita Mea
In Vita Mea

Gloria Domino
In Vita Mea

Gloria Patriae et Filio, Da pacem.
Gloria Patriae et Filio, Da pacem.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc
et semper, et in saecula saeculorum
Magnificat anima mea Pacem.

Unofficial Translation[edit]

The following is an unofficial translation of the lyrics to English:

Glory be to the Lord
In My Life
In My Life

Glory be to the Lord
In My Life

Glory to the Father and the Son, Grant peace.
Glory to the Father and the Son, Grant peace.
Just as it was in the beginning, and now
and always, and unto the ages of ages
My spirit extols Peace.

Album Notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

「The Miracle」のアレンジバージョンで、コーラス部分だけ をグレゴリア聖歌風にアレンジし直して録音しました。 結 局入れる場面が無くて実際はボツ曲扱いなのですが、 も ったいないのでアルバムには入れておきました。(笑)

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This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.