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The Purest Beauty?

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The Purest Beauty?
The Purest Beauty Heart-to-Heart.jpg
Location Upper Level - Right, Gormott
(Honeypot Grotto)
Characters Dahlia, Brighid, Dahlia's Driver
Required story progress No story requirements
Other requirements After unlocking Dahlia's Key Affinity reward level 5

The Purest Beauty? is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found at Honeypot Grotto in the Upper Level - Right of the Gormott Province. Viewing this Heart-to-Heart is required to unlock the fifth level of Dahlia's Opportunist Battle Skill.


XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Oh, how splendid.
Will you take a look at that view! That's quite some natural beauty, right there.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Yeah, I can't imagine seeing a view quite like this anywhere else.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Yeah, you don't see a view like this every day, that for sure.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
I quite agree. A view this beautiful is a rare and remarkable sight.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Yep, it's a rare sight all right. You don't see a view like this just anywhere.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
I'm a little surprised you appreciate this kind of beauty though, Dahlia.
I thought you liked things a little more...flashy.
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Ohoho... You're sharp, Brighid, hon, but not sharp enough.
Sure, I'm a big fan of extravagant beauty, but there's somethin' extra special about the beauty o' nature.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
The beauty of nature?
You mean, things are more beautiful in their natural state?
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Pretty much. If you can be beautiful without even tryin'...
Ain't that just the purest beauty of all?
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Hmm... Is that right?
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
I mean, look at Poppi. Does she put any effort into how she looks? Naw. But she's still a total sweetheart.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
I suppose that's true.
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
There's any number o' ways to spruce yourself up an' make yourself look beautiful.
But that's just smoke an' mirrors. Making the surface look good while ignoring what's underneath.
So I figure real beauty is the stuff that happens naturally, without any o' that.
Dahlia's Driver
What should I say to Dahlia
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Either way, you're pretty beautiful.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You're pretty beautiful anyway, though.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
You seem quite beautiful, in any case.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Either way, you're a stunner.
XC2 character icon Dahlia.pngTrust +900
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Why, thank you, hon! But I've still got a long way to go.
Like I said before, it's not enough to just look good on the outside.
Like, say if I was to scarf down all your breakfasts by myself, would you think I was beautiful then?
Or if I ran away in the middle of battle, leavin' my Driver behind.
To be really beautiful, you've gotta start from what's inside.
The beauty that flows forth naturally from a person, both inside and out... That's what I'm strivin' for.
That's why my goal is to never hide behind decorations an' always show my true self.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Oh, that makes sense. That's a pretty cool philosophy to live by.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Oh, I get it. Pretty neat philosophy to live by, I guess.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Interesting. I feel this philosophy captures your essence quite well.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Oh right, I get it. Yeah, that's not a bad philosophy to live by.
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Then maybe you'd like to join me, hon? We can better our true selves together!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Why is nature so important to you?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Why're you so keen on nature?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Why are you so concerned with nature?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Why're you so crazy about nature?
XC2 character icon Dahlia.pngTrust +1000
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Keen on nature, huh? I never really thought about it, but I guess you could say I am.
I mean, you humans age as the years go by, right?
Gals especially tend to really hate that, feelin' like it's just makin' them uglier, but me, I think it's a beautiful thing.
An aging body's a sign of the long life you've lived, and a mark of all the experiences you've been through, right?
So I figure that's a unique form o' natural beauty, too.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
So it's like...a human life itself is a work of art created by nature?
That's a pretty cool philosophy.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
So what, each human life is another one of nature's works of art?
Pretty neat way of looking at it.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
So each human life is a work of art created by the bounty of nature?
That's an admirable way of putting it.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Oh, I get it. So like, each human life is one of nature's works of art?
Pretty classy way of looking at it.
XC2 character icon Dahlia.png
Bein' a Blade, I wasn't born from nature like you humans are.
I came into the world lookin' this way, and when my Driver dies, I'll disappear lookin' just the same.
Us Blades never change, and we fade away all too suddenly.
I guess that's why I kind of admire the natural, fleeting beauty you humans have.
I'm glade you're my Driver, hon. I can already imagine how gracefully you'll age over the years.
I almost can't wait to see it! Hahaha.

In other langauges[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English The Purest Beauty?
Japan flag.svg Japanese 美しいものとは?
France flag.svg French Pure beauté
Germany flag.svg German Die reinste Form von Schönheit
Spain flag.svg Spanish La belleza más pura
Italy flag.svg Italian La bellezza più pura?
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 何为美丽?
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 美麗的事物是?
South Korea flag.svg Korean 아름다움이란?
