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Tactical Action (Dynamic)

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Tactical Action (Dynamic)
Original Title Tactical Action(Dynamic)
Composer(s) Kenji Hiramatsu
Length 1:50
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Other versions Tactical Action

Tactical Action (Dynamic) is Disc 1, Track 3 in on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 12, Track 3 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

In-game, it is split into three pieces:

  • 0:00 to 0:29 is Tactical Action (Dynamic B).
  • 0:29 to 1:10 is Tactical Action (Dynamic C).
  • 1:10 to 1:50 is Tactical Action (Dynamic A).[1]

All three sections are cutscene and area themes in specific story instances. When one of them is the area theme, the track transitions into Tactical Action when battle starts, and is smoothly transitioned back into once battle concludes.

Tactical Action (Dynamic B)[edit]

This section plays as the area theme from when the Kevesi Special Forces leave the Forward Post Camp to when they arrive at the Gura Flava Lowlands in Chapter 1 (not including the preceding and intervening cutscenes).

Tactical Action (Dynamic C)[edit]

This section plays as the area theme in the following instances:

It also plays in the following cutscenes:

Tactical Action (Dynamic A)[edit]

This section plays as the area theme in the following instances, in all cases including the preceding and intervening cutscenes:

It also plays in the following cutscenes:

Tactical Action is a version of this section with substantially more instrumentation.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Kenji Hiramatsu. No official translation exists.

作戦行動中 敵の間をかい潜って目的地に向かっている時の曲です。 今回、状況によって曲と曲とがシームレス に切り替わるインタラクティブ要素にチャレンジしたのですが、 次の 「Tactical Action」 とは同じテンポと楽曲 構成ですが楽器編成が異なります。 両者のメリハリを出すためこちらはメロディは主張せずリズムラインを主体 に編成しました。 戦いと戦いの間、緊張感を保ちつつ目的地に向かうシーンをイメージしました。

Wiki icon - Translation.svg This section needs to be translated.
This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.


  1. These names are not mentioned on the soundtrack, but they were uploaded to JASRAC as part of the soundtrack's copyright data. The odd ordering comes from the order in which the files are stored in-game, which matches the order in which the titles' copyright data were uploaded.