Xenosaga Episode I

Shion's Crisis

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Shion's Crisis
Original Title シオンの危機 (きき)
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Length 1:54
Used in Xenosaga Episode I

Shion's Crisis is Disc 1, Track 9 on the Xenosaga Original Soundtrack and Disc 2, Track 7 on the Xenosaga Episode I album. ('Shion's Crisis' is an unofficial translation, as seen in the VGMdb listing of the album.) The melody at 0:45 is based on that of Reminiscence.

It plays in the cutscene where Shion is almost turned into salt on the Woglinde.

Album Notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

シオンが危機的状況の中、 過去の回想シーンにカットが 変わるところで、シオンのテーマ (つまり「Kokoro」)をど うしても入れたくてタイミング合わせをしたのですが、 映像のテンボと音楽との息がどうしても合わなくて苦労 しました。

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