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Driver any
Gender None
Type Humanoid
Weapon Shield Hammer
This article is about Poppibuster's gameplay in this specific game. For information on the character in general, see Poppibuster.

Poppibuster is a Rare Blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


General stats
Element Light Light
Weapon class XC2 weapon icon Shield Hammer.png Shield Hammer
Default weapon XC2 weapon icon Shield Hammer.png Primitive Hammer
Cooldown time 15.00s
Aux Core Slots 3
Merc Group name Buster Battalion
Base strength 15
Stat modifiers
Physical defense +40%
Ether defense +35%
Maximum HP +0%
Strength +0%
Ether +0%
Dexterity +0%
Agility +15%
Affinity modifiers
Base affinity 550
Affinity gain +5%
Affinity loss -5%
Favorite items
Categories XC2 item icon Meats.png Meats
XC2 item icon Board Games.png Board Games
Items XC2 item icon Meats.png Tasty Sausage Common
XC2 item icon Board Games.png Nopopo Yard Rare



Level Name Description
XC2 menu icon level 1.png Buster Cyclone Transform your weapon into knuckle claws and barrel into the enemy.
XC2 menu icon level 2.png Buster Cannon Transform your weapon into a cannon and unload it into the enemy.
XC2 menu icon level 3.png Buster Mirage Unleash the combined power of Poppi Mk. II and Poppibuster on the enemy.
XC2 menu icon level 4.png Buster Impact Initiate Poppibuster self-destruct mode.

Blade Arts[edit]

Name Probability Recharge Description
Recharge Boost 50% 22.5s Boosts Arts recharge from auto-attack.
Draw Aggro 75% 20s Draw aggro from enemies in battle.
Nullify Reaction 75% 30s Nullifies one reaction.

Battle Skills[edit]

Name Effect
Hardware Acceleration Increases auto-attack speed by 15-25% and Arts speed by 10-20%.
Hyperaffinity Circuit Deal 60-100% more and take 10-30% less damage at max Affinity.
Reconstitute Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 250-350% each time it's used (max: 1000-1000%).

Field Skills[edit]

Name Description
Entomology Knowledge related to insects.
Salvaging Mastery Knowledge related to salvaging.
Superstrength Extraordinary physical strength. Used to break things, lift them up, etc.

Affinity Chart[edit]

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Key affinity condition (unlocked) Increase Trust. (x100) Increase Trust. (x1,500) Increase Trust. (x3,000) Increase Trust. (x5,000)
Reward text I will be able to deploy extra measures. New capabilities are now authorized. Maximum output is now within reach. I have reached maximum output! Make my day.
Reward Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x200 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x300 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x500 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Special.png
Buster Cyclone
Effect Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 60%. Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 70%. Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 80%. Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 90%. Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 100%.
Condition (unlocked) Use Buster Cyclone. (x15) Use a Chain Attack. (x20) Use Buster Cyclone. (x25) Use a Chain Attack. (x40)
Reward text Damage coefficient increased. Bravo, everyone. You did well. Not as well as me, naturally... Attack power has risen. The following engagement should prove an enjoyable one. Impressive teamwork. One day you may even become half as proficient as me.
Reward Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x200 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x300 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x500 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Special.png
Buster Cannon
Effect Adds a 60% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Adds a 70% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Adds a 80% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Adds a 90% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack. Adds a 100% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack.
Condition (unlocked) Use Buster Cannon. (x10) Deal a certain amount of total damage. (x100,000) Use Buster Cannon. (x20) Deal a certain amount of total damage. (x5,000,000)
Reward text This move could be improved further. Great work, but we must not rest on our laurels. You seem to have come to grips with it. Very well. I shall increase the output. I've unthrottled the weapon's power output. Have fun.
Reward Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x200 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x300 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x500 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Special.png
Buster Mirage
Effect Increases damage dealt to enemies targeting user by 60%. Increases damage dealt to enemies targeting user by 70%. Increases damage dealt to enemies targeting user by 80%. Increases damage dealt to enemies targeting user by 90%. Increases damage dealt to enemies targeting user by 100%.
Condition (unlocked) Use Buster Mirage. (x5) Perform a Blade Combo. (x5) Use Buster Mirage. (x15) Perform a Blade Combo. (x15)
Reward text Impressive. This technique may actually be worth the effort. You have my permission to study my effortlessly graceful moves. It's not arrogance if it's warranted. Let's keep aiming upward, shall we? It looks like I came out on top. Again.
Reward Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x200 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x300 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x500 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x800
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Skill.png
Hyperaffinity Circuit
Effect Deal 60% more and take 10% less damage at max Affinity. Deal 70% more and take 15% less damage at max Affinity. Deal 80% more and take 20% less damage at max Affinity. Deal 90% more and take 25% less damage at max Affinity. Deal 100% more and take 30% less damage at max Affinity.
Condition (unlocked) Raise Affinity in combat. (x5) Watch Heart-to-Hearts. (Previous instances count toward total.) (x20) Raise Affinity in combat. (x20) Watch Heart-to-Hearts. (Previous instances count toward total.) (x70)
Reward text We're beginning to trust each other. How nice. I have collected some fascinating data. Feel free to lean on me as much as you like. Ah, siblings-in-arms... So this is the essence of affinity. We must make many happy memories together.
Reward Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x200 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x300 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x500 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Skill.png
Hardware Acceleration
Effect Increases auto-attack speed by 15% and Arts speed by 10%. Increases auto-attack speed by 17% and Arts speed by 12%. Increases auto-attack speed by 20% and Arts speed by 15%. Increases auto-attack speed by 22% and Arts speed by 17%. Increases auto-attack speed by 25% and Arts speed by 20%.
Condition Overkill a monster in a Chain Attack. (x1) Overkill a monster in a Chain Attack. (x5) Overkill a monster in a Chain Attack. (x10) Overkill a monster in a Chain Attack. (x15) Overkill a monster in a Chain Attack. (x20)
Reward text Oh, look. What a surprise. You all made a commendable effort on my behalf. I'm beginning to feel bad for our foes. I'll give you credit where it's due. It certainly seems I'm indispensable.
Reward Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x100 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x200 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x300 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x500 Truth XC2 thought icon Truth.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Blade Skill.png
Effect Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 250% each time it's used (max: 1000%). Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 275% each time it's used (max: 1000%). Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 300% each time it's used (max: 1000%). Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 325% each time it's used (max: 1000%). Increases dmg of lv4 Special by 350% each time it's used (max: 1000%).
Condition (unlocked) Receive a certain amount of total damage. (x10,000) Receive a certain amount of total damage. (x50,000) Receive a certain amount of total damage. (x150,000) Receive a certain amount of total damage. (x400,000)
Reward text I have faith in my structural integrity. My material resistance is second to none. I couldn't look Professor Soosoo in the eye if I wasn't able to take this much punishment. Severe damage, you say? Pfft. It's... *bzzt* It's no-thing.
Reward Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x200 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x300 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x500 Justice XC2 thought icon Justice.png x800
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Field Skill.png
Effect Knowledge related to insects.
Condition (unlocked) Collect insects. (Currently held items count toward total.) (x30) Collect insects. (Currently held items count toward total.) (x75)
Reward text I will require more items to refine my algorithms. Database updated. New inferences and hypotheses logged.
Reward Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x200 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x300

XC2 Affinity Chart icon Field Skill.png
Salvaging Mastery
Effect Knowledge related to salvaging.
Condition (unlocked) Complete Stage 4 in Tiger! Tiger!. (x1) Complete Stage 5 in Tiger! Tiger!. (x1)
Reward text Not as good as my high score, but good enough. You show considerable skill. Though it took me only five seconds to achieve that result...
Reward Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x500 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x800
XC2 Affinity Chart icon Field Skill.png
Effect Extraordinary physical strength. Used to break things, lift them up, etc.
Condition (unlocked) Defeat a Levma Bunnit in Leftheria. (x4)
Revealed after the party enters the Cloudway in Leftheria
Defeat Muscley Damian in Tantal. (x1)
Revealed after the party reaches Tantal
Defeat Mk. VI Gerolf at the World Tree. (x1)
Revealed after the party enters the World Tree
Defeat Immovable Gonzalez in Gormott. (x1)
Revealed after chapter 2 begins
Reward text I have no interest in low-level opponents. Starting indifference subroutine... Loop until: some real challenge. My feature-set proved superior. The enemy had size, but we had me.
Reward Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x200 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x300 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x500 Bravery XC2 thought icon Bravery.png x800


Main article: Poppibuster/Gameplay (XC2)/Dialogue
