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Ouroboros Awakening

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Ouroboros Awakening
Original Title ウロボロス覚醒 (かくせい)
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Vocals Aisling McGlynn
Length 2:34
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Ouroboros Awakening is Disc 2, Track 8 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 13, Track 8 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It plays when Noah and Mio form an Interlink for the first time while fighting Moebius D in Chapter 1.


Ouroboros Awakening contains two main melodies used as motifs in other tracks in the game's music.

  • 0:16 to 0:48 (unofficially referred to as 'Ouroboros 1') plays in the following sections of the following tracks:
  • 1:32 to 2:08 (unofficially 'Ouroboros 2') plays in the following sections:
    • Confronting Our Past (1:10)
    • City (1:58)
    • City/Night (2:12)
    • Noah and N (2:24)
    • The Two Queens of Aionios (2:00)
    • Hope for the Future (1:37)

The Ouroboros motifs are not to be confused with those of Moebius, which are similar but distinct.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

ノアとミオが初めてインタリンク (融合) し、 ウロボロスへと覚醒するシーンで流れる曲ですが、 頂いた絵コンテ を自分でVコンテに作り直し、 それに合わせて作曲していきました。 ノアとミオの過去の記憶がお互いの意識へ と流れ込んでくる場面では、神秘的な声を使って印象的なシーンにしたいと考え、 ANÚNAのアシュリン・マク グリン氏にお願いする事にしました。 初めて体験するインタリンクを独特な音楽で表現できたのではないでしょ うか。

Wiki icon - Translation.svg This section needs to be translated.
This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.


  • Ouroboros Awakening and its variations were sung by Aisling McGlynn of ANÚNA. Correspondingly, Moebius and its variations were sung by Lauren McGlynn, Aisling's sister.
  • The song was used during the reveal trailer for the game, making it and A Life Sent On to be the first songs to be revealed.