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Nia - Toward the Heavens

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Nia - Toward the Heavens
Original Title ニア ~天空 (てんくう) ()かって
Composer(s) ACE
Arrangement ACE
Natsumi Kameoka (piano & harp)
Ryotaro Yagi (chorus)
Vocals Libera (solo: Luca Brugnoli)
Length 3:23
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Other versions Drifting Soul
Drifting Soul (Violin Version)
Kaleidoscopic Core

Nia - Toward the Heavens is Disc 8, Track 14 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 19, Track 14 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It is a remix of Drifting Soul from the Xenoblade2 Original Soundtrack.

It plays in the following cutscenes:

  • The Cloudkeep appears above Captocorn Peak in Chapter 6.
  • The party arrives at the Cloudkeep's inner sanctum where Nia sleeps in Chapter 6.
  • Nia greets the party after awakening in Chapter 6.

The track also plays in the middle section of the game's credits.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by CHiCO. No official translation exists.

「Drifting Soul」 のアレンジ曲ですが、Bメロ (1:39あたり)のピアノフレーズが原曲の後奏部分だと気がついた 方がいましたら、もはやく 『ゼノブレイド』 BGMマスター〉です! 声変わり前の短い期間しか聴けない孤高のボ ーイソプラノと、期限のあるノアたちの生き方が何か重なると思い、 ボーイソプラノを入れました。 歌唱は、ロンド インのLIBERAのルカくん。 ルカくんの心洗われる歌声がシーンに合っていたら嬉しいです!

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This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.