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Mikhail (Mor Ardain) (part 1)

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File:XC2 enemy render np100301 we020201 r,we020201 l.pngNorender.png
Species Human (Torna)
Location Location needed
Base level 34
This article is about the boss. For the character, see Mikhail.

Mikhail is fought alongside Patroka at Bulge Harbor in the Old Factory of Mor Ardain. This is his statblock for the first part of the fight, after they interrupt the party's argument with Bana. The phase ends after either Mikhail or Patroka lose a fourth of their health.

As with any battle that ends before an enemy Driver's health bar is depleted, ending the phase while either Mikhail or Patroka are toppled and their Blade is using a Special will result in a softlock.



Modifier Base
Level 34
HP ×4.2 244,020
Strength ×1.25 335
Ether ×0.92 246
Dexterity ×0.96 119
Agility ×0.53 65
Luck ×0.82 107
Modifier Base
Level 34
EXP ×0 0
WP ×0 0
SP ×0 0
G ×0 0
Crit rate 12%
Element None None
Physical defense 25%
Ether defense 5%
Block rate 10%
Block direction All
Base Resistances / Immunities
XC2 driver art icon react 1 range 0 overlay 0.png Break 40% Resistance
XC2 driver art icon react 2 range 0 overlay 0.png Topple Vulnerable
XC2 driver art icon react 3 range 0 overlay 0.png Launch Vulnerable
XC2 driver art icon react 4 range 0 overlay 0.png Smash Vulnerable
XC2 driver art icon react 5 range 0 overlay 0.png Knockback 40% Resistance
XC2 driver art icon react 6 range 0 overlay 0.png Blowdown 40% Resistance
  • Boosts Break resistance by 30%.
Name Enraged
  • Boosts Strength by 25%.
  • Boosts physical defense by 30%.
  • Boosts Break resistance by 30%.
Element No change
Type Ground
Walk speed 2.4m/s
Run speed 8.4m/s
Battle speed 6m/s
Detection Aggressive
Presence: 10m range
Nametag Boss
Sturdiness bonus 1
Model scale 1.0x
Family Humanoid
Genus Human (Torna)
Music Death Match With Torna
Flags Hyperaggressive: True
Immovable: False
Level-agnostic: False
Weak to Sacred Arrow


Disclaimer: This is the list of arts the enemy can use. The enemy will not necessarily choose to use them.

Art Cooldown Type Element Power Hits Range Property Debuff Reaction(s) Status
(auto-attack) 2s Physical None None 150 2 Opponent, single target up to 8m away none none none none
Leonine Upper 8s Physical None None 300 1 Opponent, single target up to 8m away none none none Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 50%.
Leonine Shaker 20s Ether Earth Earth 400 5 Opponent, line 12m long by 5m wide none none Knockback (level 2), Knockback (level 2), Knockback (level 2), Knockback (level 2), Break none
Leonine Shield 30s Buff None None 100 0 Self, single target up to 5m away Block none none none
Leonine Roar 40s Debuff Earth Earth 100 1 Opponent, circle around user of 30m radius none Taunt none none
(auto-attack) 2s Physical None None 150 2 Opponent, single target up to 8m away none none none none


Name Cressidus
Element Earth Earth
Weapon XC2 weapon icon Knuckle Claws.png Primitive Knuckles (Knuckle Claws)
Physical defense 0%
Ether defense 0%
HP mod 0%
Strength mod 0%
Ether mod 0%
Dexterity mod 0%
Agility mod 0%
Luck mod 0%
Dead Ball
Berserk March
Earth Breath
Stellar Explosion
Blade Arts
Arts Plus (×0.5 cooldown)
Blade Skills
Double Team


This enemy has no drops.

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