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Mad About Titan Weapons

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Mad About Titan Weapons
Mad About Titan Weapons Heart-to-Heart.jpg
Location Hardhaigh Palace (location), Mor Ardain
(Hardhaigh Palace)
Characters Newt, Newt's Driver
Required story progress No story requirements
Other requirements After unlocking Newt's Key Affinity reward level 3

Mad About Titan Weapons is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found in Hardhaigh Palace (location) in Hardhaigh Palace, Empire of Mor Ardain. Viewing this Heart-to-Heart is required to unlock the second level of Newt's Titan Weapon Wisdom Field Skill, making it a requirement to finish Newt Recruits the first time through.


XC2 character icon Newt.png
Hahaha, excellent! What a spectacle!
Hey, look here!
This one's a military transport vessel...and that is what we'd call a destroyer!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
You look like you're enjoying yourself, Newt.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You look like you're havin' fun, Newt.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
You seem to be enjoying yourself, Newt.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Having fun, eh, Newt?
XC2 character icon Newt.png
Well, duh!
The latest and greatest warships of the Ardainian navy, all in one place!
Who wouldn't get excited?
Aaah! Look over there!
That one being refitted is the newest model of amphibious assault ship!
It's the flagship of Division One of the Second Imperial Guard, you know!
Newt's Driver
What should I reply?
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Wow, Newt, you really like your battleships, don't you?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Newt, you sure do like battleships, huh?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
My word, Newt, you really do like battleships, don't you?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Newt, you seriously like battleships, eh?
XC2 character icon Newt.pngTrust +1000
XC2 character icon Newt.png
No, you're totally off-base!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Huh? ...I am?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Eh? ...Off-base?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
How do you mean?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Off-base? Me?
Titan Weapon Wisdom activates.
XC2 character icon Newt.png
Well, the terms are often incorrectly conflated...
A "battleship" is actually the name of just one class of military vessel.
When speaking more generally, the correct term is "warship" or "combat vessel".
There are many subcategories, like destroyers, escort vessels, cruisers or battleships...
And of course we can't forget transport vessels and other specialized craft...
Then you can divide them by specific duty, or by the size of the Titan they incorporate, or by their capabilities...
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Ok, I get it!
I don't think I'll remember any of that if you rattle it off so quickly...
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Nobody'll get anything from a lecture like that...
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Ah, sorry. Didn't mean to shout. That wasn't very professional of me.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Enough, already...
I've got it now, so please just wind down a bit?
XC2 character icon Newt.png
Oh, really? I was only just getting to the really cool part, but OK...
Well, I guess I'll tell you the rest later at some point!
That ship's been specifically made for the Imperial Guard! I cannot believe it's here!
C'mon, Driver-person! Let's dash!
Newt's Driver
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Wow, Newt, you really like the Ardainian army, don't you?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Newt, you sure do like Ardainian military stuff, huh?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
My word, Newt, you really do like the Ardainian military, don't you?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Newt, you seriously are an Ardainian army buff, eh?
XC2 character icon Newt.pngTrust +900
Titan Weapon Wisdom activates.
XC2 character icon Newt.png
Well, obviously!
The Ardainian Armed Forces are the finest army in the world!
Unlike other countries, in Mor Ardain the state controls the army directly...
putting a lot of effort into R&D based around applying ancient technology...
to create the world's most modern and technologically advanced military force!
And by the way, the Urayan military uses mercenary forces mostly, so...
each town's training and equipment can differ, making the units hard to balance!
Mor Ardain have a ton of elite officers to lead their forces, too - not least the mighty Flamebringer, of course.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
OK, OK, I get the picture!
I don't think I'd ever be able to remember all that...
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Fine, I get it! You can stop now.
I appreciate the effort, but that's all in one ear, right out the other...
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
I'm sorry, that's enough. I think I got the gist, though.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Enough, enough already!
You're talking my ear off with all this nonsense...
XC2 character icon Newt.png
Aw, come on, there's tons more I've got to talk about!
I know! How about I tell you stories about all the commanding officers?
We'll be here till morning, so get comfortable!

In other lanaguages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Mad About Titan Weapons
Japan flag.svg Japanese 巨神獣兵器マニア
France flag.svg French Passion militaire
Germany flag.svg German Titanenwaffen-Fangirl
Spain flag.svg Spanish Pasión por los titanes bélicos
Italy flag.svg Italian Pazza di armi titaniche
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 巨神兽兵器狂热者
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 巨神獸兵器狂
South Korea flag.svg Korean 아르스 병기 마니아
