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Lasaria Woodland (music)

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Lasaria Woodland
Original Title リサリア原生林 (げんせいりん)
Composer(s) Manami Kiyota
Length 3:04
Used in Torna ~ The Golden Country

Lasaria Woodland is Track 2 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Kingdom of Torna Original Soundtrack and Disc 11, Track 2 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box. It plays in the Lasaria Region of the Kingdom of Torna.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Manami Kiyota.

Executive Director Takahashi told me that he was imagining using a recorder for the piece, so the main instrument was chosen quickly. When I created this piece, I wanted to make music that captured the pleasant fragrance of a forest. I also wanted to convey a simple and gentle feeling. To avoid making the composition too large, I took a minimalist approach. I'm relatively good at making this kind of piece. Actually, I remember completing most of the composition in about one day.