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Kingdom of Torna (music)

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Kingdom of Torna
Original Title イーラ王国 (おうこく)
Composer(s) ACE
Length 4:33
Used in Torna ~ The Golden Country
Other versions Kingdom of Torna/Night

Kingdom of Torna is Track 5 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Kingdom of Torna Original Soundtrack and Disc 11, Track 5 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It plays in the Aletta and Dannagh regions of the Kingdom of Torna during the day. Additionally, it plays at the Pedestal of Stargazing during the day.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by ACE TOMOri.

First of all, I received Executive Director Takahashi's opinion about using an acoustic sound to change the atmosphere of the game. And, when I was shown the script, rather than new age, my mind was filled with jazz. “Where am I going? Where will I end up...?” I thought it might be good to put that kind of feeling into this piece. With the help of the excellent musicians, the music turned out wonderfully.