Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
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KOS-MOS Art XS1.png
KOS-MOS ver. 1 from Episode I
Species Android
Blade (XC2)
Gender Female
Age 2
3 (Episode III)
18 (Appearance)
Height 167 cm
Weight 92 kg (Ver. 1 & 2)
83 kg (Ver. 3)
79 kg (Ver. 4)[1]
Designer Kunihiko Tanaka (XS1, XC2)
Japanese VA Mariko Suzuki
English VA Bridget Hoffman (XS1, XS3)
Colleen O'Shaughnessey (XS2)
Luci Christian (The Animation)
Caitlin Thorburn (XC2)
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga Freaks
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga II to III: A Missing Year
Xenosaga Outer File
Xenosaga: The Animation
Xenosaga (manga)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Namco X Capcom
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier Exceed
Pro Baseball Famista 2011
Project X Zone
Project X Zone 2
Venus & Braves
Tales of the Rays
For other articles titled "KOS-MOS", see KOS-MOS (disambiguation).

KOS-MOS, short for Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation Systems, is a central character of the Xenosaga series. She is an anti-Gnosis battle android developed by Vector Industries' KOS-MOS Project, a joint effort between the First and Second R&D Divisions.

Appearance and personality[edit]

In all her versions, KOS-MOS resembles a young woman with long, blue hair and red eyes.

  • KOS-MOS Archetype: Unlike her later iterations, she has white hair as the Archetype. She wears a gray bodysuit and beige armor with red accents, a Hilbert emission helmet, and a visor that obscures her eyes.
  • KOS-MOS ver. 1: In ver. 1, she wears the Hilbert emission visor above her head, a grayish-blue skirted leotard, and white, asymmetric-length, high heeled boots accessorized with a black garter. She also wears black gloves with white sleeves that notably protrude from her shoulders.
  • KOS-MOS ver. 2: After being upgraded by Vector's Second R&D Division, the Hilbert emission device is embedded into her forehead. To highlight the new anti-G gel embedded within her frame, her body appears to be covered by nothing more than a sports bra, a thong embedded with Vector's logo, thigh-high boots, and gloves similar to that of her previous iteration. With the Swimsuit skill equipped, KOS-MOS wears a white one-piece swimsuit, white sleeves, and a pair of white ankle strap heels.
  • KOS-MOS Temporary Frame (ver. 1.1): Slated to be upgraded to ver. 3, KOS-MOS is temporarily given a weaker chassis that resembles her ver. 1 frame. The skirt is removed from her leotard, and she is given additional armor around her back, neck, and waist. Additionally, she now wears thick boots and white thigh-high stockings.
  • KOS-MOS ver. 3: In ver. 3, she wears a smaller Hilbert emission visor on her head. She now wears a black and white bodysuit with blue accents and her lower breasts and midriff exposed. As usual, her gloves end at her upper arm and protrude from her shoulders. Under her thigh-high boots she now wears gray tights.
  • KOS-MOS ver. 4: In ver. 4, she wears a white minidress with beige accents and straps attached to the black thigh-highs under her boots. Her Hilbert emission visor is back to the size it was in ver. 1, and her gloves are now black. Over her gloves she wears large, white arm-guards. Her swimsuit consists of a white bikini with blueish-purple trims and gold accents.
  • KOS-MOS Re:: In Xenoblade Chronicles 2, she now has a blue Core Crystal on her chest and blue Ether lines all over her body. She wears a white, skirted leotard similar to her ver.1 design with black trims and red accents. She wears a black glove on her right arm and a white glove on her left. As usual, she wears white, thigh-high boots. As a Blade, she wields dual Ether Cannons that resemble the Zohar.

Because she is an android, KOS-MOS acts in a way that most would deem callous, although she usually just acts in a way that aligns with her programming. Part of this programming requires her to unconditionally protect her creator, Shion. KOS-MOS is equipped with a "Simulated Personality OS" to better communicate with humans. A predetermined set of emotions were coded into KOS-MOS and she claims to only exhibit them when she deems it necessary, although she rarely shows them at all. As the series progresses, her display of emotions broadens, albeit not by much.

Story arc[edit]


Kevin, Shion, Allen, and the Archetype.

KOS-MOS was originally conceptualized by a young Kevin Winnicot working at the U-TIC Organization (formerly the C.S.R.C.). He had the outlines for KOS-MOS' black box written out by the time the Miltian Conflict broke out in T.C. 4753. At some point after the destruction of Miltia, Kevin had moved his place of work and, by extension, his concept for KOS-MOS to Vector Industries.

In T.C. 4763, Kevin pulled strings to have Shion Uzuki assigned to the First R&D Division's Type 1 OS Design Department on the planet Carioca to work on the KOS-MOS Archetype. During this time, KOS-MOS was fitted to pilot E.S. Dinah, stored onboard the Dämmerung. Two years later, Kevin arranged to provide Cherenkov and his U-TIC subordinates entry to the Type 1 OS Design Department. Although Cherenkov hoped to seize the KOS-MOS Archetype, she instead went out of control, killing not only the U-TIC Soldiers, but Vector employees as well. Even Kevin wasn't spared from the carnage; he ended up being impaled and killed by the Archetype. Shion was able to neutralize the Archetype by blowing its head off with her hand-cannon. In the end, she, Cherekov, and Allen Ridgeley (who was away on a business trip at the time) were the only survivors of the incident. Shortly after, the KOS-MOS Project was formed in the absence of the Type 1 OS Design Department, and Shion was appointed as its chief engineer, replacing Kevin.

Episode I[edit]

Two years after the incident, KOS-MOS is stationed onboard the cruiser Woglinde as additional protection against potential Gnosis attacks. Shion, Allen, and other Vector employees continue to simulate her abilities in the Encephalon. Cherenkov, who is also stationed on the Woglinde, expresses dismay at Shion and her team's hesitance to collect real life field data. When the Gnosis attack the Woglinde, KOS-MOS awakens on her own, without the use of Shion's credentials. In doing so, she is able to ensure the escape of the Vector employees and make her way to Shion, followed by Allen. As the two head towards the escape pods they are accompanied by the soldier Luis Virgil. When Virgil stands in her line of fire while holding back the Gnosis, KOS-MOS kills him, not wanting the reduction in offensive capability that attempting to avoid him would cause, horrifying Shion greatly. The three of them are able to escape from the Woglinde's wreckage with Cherenkov in tow. As they depart KOS-MOS confirms that the Woglinde didn't capture the original Zohar, but rather an emulator. This information appears to have been transmitted directly to the Red Testament and Vector's CEO Wilhelm.

KOS-MOS Ver. 1.

The passenger ship Elsa soon comes across KOS-MOS. She requests its crew let her onboard so they can gate jump to Second Miltia, threatening to kill them all if they don't do what she says. The Elsa crew reluctantly let her inside. When the Elsa finds Shion's escape pod, KOS-MOS wants to leave it for the Federation rescue vessels to pick up. Shion threatens to kill herself and Allen with her if KOS-MOS doesn't let them onboard, but KOS-MOS doesn't budge. She only relents when chaos appears aboard the bridge and requests they recover them. The Elsa's captain, Matthews, permits KOS-MOS usage of the ship's generator to replenish her energy reserves. KOS-MOS continues to seemingly ignore Shion, much to her dismay, but requests that she check her sensors for malfunctions. While she rests below deck she is visited by chaos, who asks where the "real" her exists. She is also visited by Cherenkov, who pulls a gun on her before Shion interrupts.

While on board the Elsa, Shion demands, and is granted, permission from her Director the ability to remain by KOS-MOS's side, so she can determine why she is acting on her own. KOS-MOS later helps with the dishes and fighting off U-TIC soldiers when Ziggy and MOMO board the ship. When the Elsa comes across the Cathedral Ship, KOS-MOS activates the Hilbert Effect, but the Elsa and all its crew members are nonetheless pulled into it. KOS-MOS picks up a signal similar to that of the Zohar Emulator and the party makes their way there. When they find the Emulator and kill Cherenkov, who has turned into a Gnosis, the Cathedral Ship starts to fade away, but there is still a massive amount of Gnosis in the area. On her own, KOS-MOS travels up the Elsa's elevator and her eyes turned blue, uttering that feeling pain would make her complete. She then flies to back of the ship and uses X-BUSTER to wipe out all of the remaining Gnosis, absorbing them into herself. Her eyes then turn back to red.

When the U-TIC Organization frames the Kukai Foundation for the destruction of the Woglinde, the party is able to prove their innocence by diving into the Encephalon and recovering KOS-MOS's visual data. Before departing the Encephalon, Shion has a vision of KOS-MOS with new equipment and U-DO firing at each other near Miltia. They also find KOS-MOS tied to a crucifix-shaped stone. When the Gnosis attack the Kukai Foundation shortly afterwards, KOS-MOS again activates the Hilbert Effect to assist in defeating them. Using a Phase Transfer Cannon prepared for KOS-MOS by Vector, she reveals the Song of Nephilim, which was summoning the Gnosis.

KOS-MOS heads into the Song of Nephilim along with the party, and then Proto Merkabah. When Albedo tries to access the Y-Data, KOS-MOS appears protecting it, saying she does not exist for his pleasure. As Proto Merkabah starts descending into the atmosphere of Second Miltia, KOS-MOS stays behind to detach the base's sub components. She is able to do so and make it back to the Elsa as it departs, with Ziggy helping Shion to grab a hold of her. As the Elsa descends towards Second Miltia it starts to overheat. KOS-MOS jumps in front of the ship and activates her energy shield in order to cool its descent. During that time, KOS-MOS's eyes turn blue again. KOS-MOS survives the descent and is seen standing on top of the Elsa as it cruises over the ocean.

Episode II[edit]

KOS-MOS Ver. 2.

At the start of the game, KOS-MOS is brought to Vector's Second R&D Division on Second Miltia by Shion and Allen. There, the supervisor shows them a diagram of the Tertiary Weapons System being developed for her. Shion agrees to transfer KOS-MOS over to them. As they leave, Shion tells Allen to keep his eye on KOS-MOS. When the party dives into MOMO's Subconscious Domain, Allen provides KOS-MOS' data so she can accompany them.

When Shion heads towards Old Miltia in the E.S. Dinah, she is attacked by a mysterious enemy piloting the E.S. Dan. KOS-MOS awakens on her own while at the Second R&D Division and gets onto the Mobile Dinah Interface that she uses to head into space, claiming Shion is calling her. She soon catches up with the Dinah and combines her craft with it fending off the enemy forces with it. During this, her eyes temporarily change to blue again. KOS-MOS accompanies Shion and the others as they make their way through the Ormus Stronghold, then down to Old Miltia and into Labyrinthos. There she destroys the Zohar Control System once it starts to link with U-DO, killing Cecily and Cathe who are connected to the system. At the Ω System, when Albedo starts linking with U-DO, KOS-MOS uses her Tertiary Weapons System, claiming she can hold them off for three minutes and recommends Shion and the others escape. She is able to escape along with the others on the Elsa.

A Missing Year[edit]

When the Gnosis raid the S.O.C.E. lab in an act of Gnosis terrorism, Shion and KOS-MOS make their way to evacuate as many survivors as they can. However a Scientia agent, Doctus kidnaps Almadel and puts KOS-MOS out of commission. After the incident, KOS-MOS is upgraded to Version 3 by Vector Industries. KOS-MOS later saves Shion from Almadel who is undergoing Gnosification in Ars Nova, an area of Vector's S-Line Division within the U.M.N. that was sealed by Vector. Despite the efforts of Shion's brother, Jin and KOS-MOS, Almadel dies. After her death, KOS-MOS helps Shion up and they all escape from the collapsing Encephalon.

Episode III[edit]

At the start of the game, Vector scraps the KOS-MOS Project in favor of the T-Weapon Program that resulted in T-elos. KOS-MOS is seen being used to test Omega Res Novae at the CAT Testing Ground resulting in her being badly damaged. Ultimately, it is revealed that the KOS-MOS project was scrapped by Roth Mantel, being replaced by T-elos and was ordered for her to be disposed. Shion and the rest of the party then infiltrate the CAT Testing Ground to retrieve KOS-MOS after she gets thrown out. KOS-MOS accompanies the party to Rennes-le-Château to rescue the stranded Elsa, by breaking the hypersphere. At Mary Magdalene's tomb, the party is ambushed by T-elos and KOS-MOS is heavily damaged. As she lays defeated, her eyes briefly turn blue once again as a reaction to Shion's pendant.

KOS-MOS and T-elos do battle.

In what appears to be Miltia from 15 years in the past, KOS-MOS's body is examined by the present versions of Shion, Allen, the Professor, and Scott. They conclude that she can never wake again unless they gain access to the black box conceptualized by Kevin. Shion and Allen then steal the early blueprints of KOS-MOS from the past version of Kevin, bringing her back to "life". However Voyager manages to sneak on board and steal KOS-MOS's capsule. When the Voyager telepathically chokes Shion, KOS-MOS awakens to save her and fends him off. After awakening, KOS-MOS travels with the party for the duration of the party's journey in the past Miltia. When the Red Testament, (revealed to be Kevin) orders KOS-MOS to bring Shion to her, she rejects his commands and directives as she is now programmed to follow only Shion and Allen. She then knocks Shion out and the two make their escape back to the Elsa. KOS-MOS later accompanies the party to Merkabah, the hijacked Durandal, and Abel's Ark.

In the Underground Ruins on Michtam, Shion decides to awaken Mary Magdalene within KOS-MOS, causing her eyes to turn blue permanently. T-elos then confronts KOS-MOS again with the intent of assimilating her consciousness into herself, but this time KOS-MOS is able to defeat her and absorb her instead. Within the central chamber where Zarathustra rests, after Shion refuses to use her key to activate Zarathusta, Wilhelm then attempts to use KOS-MOS to activate it for her, only for her to destroy the key, causing Zarathustra to go out of control. In the ending, Mary's spirit leaves KOS-MOS and enters Nephilim. KOS-MOS decides to stay behind to fend off the Gnosis while chaos and Nephilim use their power to send Michtam to Lost Jerusalem, ultimately sacrificing herself to give them the time they need to complete the task. Her upper torso is last seen floating in space, drifting toward Lost Jerusalem.

Blue-eyed KOS-MOS
KOS-MOS permanently awakened as Mary

Occasionally KOS-MOS's eyes turn blue, usually whenever Shion is in some sort of danger. During this time, KOS-MOS develops a human personality. The first time it occurs is when saving the Elsa from a swarm of Gnosis with X-BUSTER. In the Underground Ruins, after Shion awaken Mary within KOS-MOS, her eyes turn blue permanently. Additionally, after absorbing T-elos, Mary's original memories underwent a transformation that resulted in a new personality. However when KOS-MOS rejects the Eternal Recurrence, her eyes turned back to red, although her human personality remains.


  • KOS-MOS's development codename is KP-X.
  • KOS-MOS's serial number is 00-00-00-00-1.
  • KOS-MOS is powered by U-DO, using the Zohar as a doorway.
    • Because Shion is often close to KOS-MOS, Shion is dying faster from exposure to U-DO thanks to the disorder she inherited from her mother.
  • KOS-MOS's operating system has AAA-class encryption, making it one of the most protected systems in the universe. As such, it is virtually immune to outside alteration.

In other media[edit]

Xenosaga I & II[edit]

In the DS version of Episode I, KOS-MOS's role remains relatively unchanged. However, several side stories are added to show various different perspectives of the KOS-MOS Archetype's malfunction.

In the Episode II portion of the game, KOS-MOS is put out of commission when Second Miltia is attacked by Richard and Hermann piloting their A.M.W.S. units. She is immediately transferred to Vector's Second Division for repairs after Richard and Hermann's defeat. Because of this, she is unable to join the rest of the party when they dive into MOMO's subconscious domain. When Albedo opens the way to Old Miltia, Second Miltia is attacked by the Gnosis, forcing KOS-MOS to summon the E.S. Dinah at Shion's request. KOS-MOS is later loaned out to the Kukai Foundation for the retreival of the Original Zohar, with Shion and Allen to accompany her for maintenance. KOS-MOS joins the rest of the party in their E.S. units to escort the Elsa through the ongoing skirmish between the Immigrant Fleet and a Federation fleet led by Pierre Ruryk in Miltian space. KOS-MOS further accompanies the party on Old Miltia. When Albedo makes contact with U-DO, KOS-MOS goes out into space and uses the Phase Transfer Cannons on her Tertiary Weapons System to suppress the spreading Space-Time Anomaly. Doing so allows her and the rest of the party to follow Jr. in stopping Albedo.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

KOS-MOS's Awakening 2.jpg

KOS-MOS appears as a Rare Blade in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. As there is only a 0.1% chance of obtaining her, she is considered to be the rarest Blade in the game. She is of the Attacker class and uses Ether Cannons in combat. She is the only non-DLC Rare Blade to have the light element. Her awakening animation depicts her awakening from her pod, similarly how she awoken during the Gnosis attack on the Woglinde.

Artificial Intelligence[edit]

While at the farthest point of the 7th Perimeter Skyport, the party encounters a great number of Blade Bots that had gone berserk after the Marsanes, their command center, went done. At first, the party tries to defeat them all, though the sheer number of enemies proves to be too much to handle. Despite the party deciding to withdraw, KOS-MOS instead decides to annihilate all enemies at once with an X-Buster, leaving only a few stragglers for the party to deal with.

After the battle, the party decides to have an audience with the leaders of the nations gathered around the country, who might have been worried by KOS-MOS's attack, starting with Eulogimenos. During the audience with the king of Tantal, the king requests that the party takes Zeke's first cousin, Astelle, with them while visiting the other leaders. The king was able to convince her to give up on going to the Land of Morytha in favor of traveling around Alrest instead. After Astelle and the prince bicker about how she should call him, she expresses interest in KOS-MOS, wanting to tinker with her.

While on their way to have an audience with Niall, the party is attacked at Hardhaigh Dock, Lv. 2 by more berserk Blade Bots. KOS-MOS fires another X-Buster, annihilating all but two of the artificial Blades. After the party finishes dealing with the situation, Astelle fires a salvo of questions at KOS-MOS about her power, the latter refusing to answer for the most part.

After their audience with the Ardainian emperor, who intends to work with Tantal and Uraya to deal with the Blade Bot issue, Astelle asks the party to bring her to the Land of Morytha. She and Zeke argue for some time, the former trying to bring KOS-MOS into the argument, before Rex decides to concede to the Tantalese girl and bring her to the Land of Morytha.

While Astelle searches around the debris inside the Fallen Skyscraper, under KOS-MOS's guard, she finally finds what she was looking for. While running back to the Blade, she is attacked by a Dagra Guldo that descended from the ceiling. The Guldo fires an Elemental Beam that is intercepted by KOS-MOS, who orders Astelle to hide while she and the party deal with the enemies.

After the party dispatches the Guldos, Astelle confirms she found what she was looking for and asks the party to come with KOS-MOS to her room in Tantal. In front of her room, she gives KOS-MOS a present, a device that helps the Blade in managing her power, then proclaims herself as KOS-MOS's best friend.


While at the First Low Orbit Station's Storage Area Entrance, Tora, Dromarch, KOS-MOS, and her Driver, admire the view. KOS-MOS asks her Driver what they feel, who can answer one of two things.

Her Driver can express their worries over the World Tree falling, spooking Tora. KOS-MOS answers that impact with Alrest would be possible at a lower altitude but not at their current position, which would remain stable. While the Nopon is reassured for a short time, Dromarch wonders how they would get back down to Alrest. KOS-MOS answers once more, saying that they would either "remain in orbit for all eternity" or "fly off into outer space". Her reassurance that she would do all she can to stop that from happening works little on Tora, who learns that he is last in KOS-MOS's list of priorities.

Her Driver can wonder how the World Tree was constructed. KOS-MOS answers with a step-by-step process, which the party understands very little of. Her Driver wonders how she acquired this knowledge, which the Blade is unsure of, as the data exists independently from her memories. As such, she is unable to know who implanted the information or their purpose.

Cameo appearances[edit]

Namco X Capcom[edit]

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Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier[edit]

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Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier Exceed[edit]

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Project X Zone[edit]

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KOS-MOS (as KOS-MOS V.4) makes an appearance in Project X Zone, being paired up with her counterpart, T-elos.

Project X Zone 2[edit]

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KOS-MOS also makes an appearance in Project X Zone 2, this time being paired up with Seven. This entry also marks the first time that two characters from two different Xeno series to interact.

Other cameos[edit]

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As a party member[edit]

Episode I[edit]

Main article: KOS-MOS/Gameplay (XS1)

Episode II[edit]

Main article: KOS-MOS/Gameplay (XS2)

Episode III[edit]

Main article: KOS-MOS/Gameplay (XS3)

Xenosaga I & II[edit]

Main article: KOS-MOS/Gameplay (XS1&2)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

Main article: KOS-MOS/Gameplay (XC2)

As an NPC[edit]

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

KOS-MOS can be found at a random location in Garfont Village after Rex takes over the Merc Group, provided she is not equipped to her Driver or sent on a Merc Mission. The specific locations she may be found at are listed here.


My maintenance is fully complete, Master.


Episode I


An armored female android developed by the interstellar conglomerate, Vector Industries.

She is comprised entirely of mechanical parts, a rarity in an age of advanced Realian technology. The basic tenet to which she adheres to is based on logic, probability, and completion of her mission above all else. She also unconditionally protects Shion, her creator.

She is equipped with a "simulated personality OS" to aid in communication, and though her speech conveys her role as an android in service to humans, her tendency to put logic and probability first makes her quite difficult to manage at times.

The name KOS-MOS is a general acronym to denote an anti-Gnosis tactical system. It stands for "KOS-MOS Obey Strategic Multiple Operations Systems."


According to Jungian psychology, an image from the collective unconscious, an inherited memory represented in the mind by a universal symbol and observed in dreams and myths.

The in-game reference is to the KOS-MOS prototype Kevin designed.

Episode III

KOS-MOS [Archetype]

KOS-MOS -Archetype- Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

A being designed and constructed for the purpose of monitoring Shion.

In Jungian psychology, the archetype is the portion of the mind which is passed on hereditarily. It is said to be the model upon which the unconscious, instinctive workings of the mind are structured.

The archetype was designed and constructed for the purpose of monitoring Shion. All of its functionality was contained within the core unit, which was later recovered and installed in KOS-MOS.

Kevin, needing to die in front of Shion's eyes, had secretly installed a program into the archetype causing it to go out of control. The program was later engaged via the startup key which Kevin had given to Andrew.

KOS-MOS [Test Type]

KOS-MOS -Test Type- Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Frame created by Shion and the others based on the Archetype.

The frame put together by Shion and the others after transplanting the core module of the partially-destroyed Archetype into a spare frame. Christened KOS-MOS Version 1.

Partially in order to shake off memories of the incident when the Archetype went out of control, the exterior of this model's design was much closer to that of a human body. Several monitoring sensors were installed inside the body to record real-world data.

KOS-MOS [Combat Frame]

KOS-MOS -Combat Frame- Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Frame created by the Second R&D Division.

The frame created by the Second R&D Division on Second Miltia during the KOS-MOS OS tests. Vector staff refer to it as Version 2.

In order to shield her internal organs from shocks delivered to the outer body during combat, her body was filled with fluorescent blue anti-G gel. The Hilbert emission device, which had taken the form of a visor in Version 1, was miniaturized and installed into her forehead. Her body was designed with the implementation of the Tertiary Weapons System in mind; its resilience was increased dramatically.


KOS-MOS Mary Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

KOS-MOS, having awoken as Mary Magdalene.

A female-shaped battle android developed by the interplanetary conglomerate Vector Industries. A being created entirely from mechanical parts, exceptionally rare in this era of advanced Realian technology.

Prioritizing the three fundamentals of logic, efficiency, and duty, she protects her creator Shion unconditionally. She is equipped with an Artificial Personality OS" in hopes of facilitating smooth communication with others, and her tone is that of an android subservient to humans. As she is actually just prioritizing logic and efficiency, however, she can often be difficult to handle.

KOS-MOS is the term applied to the entire anti-Gnosis combat system; it stands for "Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation Systems."

Why were KOS-MOS's repairs that took place on the Miltia of the past within Shion's deep memory, a type of imaginary space, reflected in the real world? One reason is the fact that actions in one portion of the U.M.N., the deep memory--that is to say, the collective unconscious-- are equivalent to those in the real world according to one definition, where the difference is strictly subjective-- brought about by the observer's recognition of it as such.

Though KOS-MOS awakened as Mary Magdalene as a result of T-elos' defeat, Mary's original memories and characteristics have undergone a transformation, leading to the creation of an entirely new personality which is both Mary and not Mary at the same time. This is fundamentally analogous to Sakura's transformation into MOMO.

The battle over, KOS-MOS falls into an eternal sleep and drifts, like the passage of time, through the emptiness of space. A blue light penetrates her battered and faded figure. Perhaps that light will be the cause of a new awakening.

Assistant Number 3

Assistant Number 3 Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

The Professor's name for KOS-MOS.

The name given to KOS-MOS by the Professor. When the professor was trying to control KOS-MOS remotely, this is what he called her.

According to the Professor, it's an appropriate name for an assistant possessing both power and technique.



KOS-MOS Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png


ヴェクター第一開発局、対グノーシス専用ヒト型掃討兵器KP-X。Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation Systemが正式名称で、訳すと"秩序に従属する戦略的多目的体系"となり、頭文字を取ってKOS-MOSと呼ばれる。ヴェクター関係者を保護することが義務づけられ、戦闘など非常時に於いても、それは優先させる。感情プログラムは造物主たる人間が使いやすいようプログラムさせていると言いながら、素子構造は人脳を忠実に再現していることから、独自の感情が生まれる可能性が暗示されている。最大機能は"ヒルベルトエフェクト"で、グノーシスを固着化させる。開発計画担当幹技師であるシオンの知らない兵装(グノーシスを吸収する)があることや、シオンとは違う者の命令で行動している気配が感じられ、何か特別の任務を持っているとも思われる。


A humanoid eradication weapon developed by Vector exclusively for use against the Gnosis.

Vector's First R&D Division, a humanoid eradication weapon exclusively for use against the Gnosis, KP-X. Her official title is Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System, translated in Japanese as 秩序に従属する戦略的多目的体系 Chitsujo ni Jūzoku suru Senryaku-teki Tamokuteki Taikei (Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System) and abbreviated as KOS-MOS. She is committed to protecting Vector personnel, even when faced with emergencies such as combat. Her emotional programming is said to be designed for ease of use by humans, but its data structure is a precise reproduction of a human brain, suggesting that it is possible for her to generate unique emotions. Her most powerful function is the Hilbert Effect, which can materialize the Gnosis. She has a (Gnosis-absorbing) weapon system that Shion, the lead engineer in charge of development planning, is unaware of, and there are signs that she is acting under the command of someone other than Shion, so it is thought that she may have a special mission of sorts.


Archetype Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png




The "Archetype". This what they call the KOS-MOS that went haywire two years ago.

The literal Japanese translation is 原型 genkei (prototype). The term "Archetype" refers to the KOS-MOS that was created two years ago by Kevin as the "Proto/Archetype". Side note, it is generally understood that the KOS-MOS Archetype was destroyed and lost when the haywire incident occurred.

Xenosaga I & II






KOS-MOSとは、対グノーシス用に開発された戦闘システムの総称であり、正式名称は"Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operations Systems"直訳すると"秩序に徒属する戦略的多目的制御体系"となる。


A female combat android developed by the interstellar conglomerate "Vector Industries".
In the age of advanced Realian technology, she is a unique existence, in that she is comprised entirely of mechanical parts.
She prioritizes the three principles of logic, efficiency, and duty in everything she does, and acts unconditionally to protect Shion, her developer.
A "Simulated Personality OS" has been installed to facilitate smooth communication with others, and although her tone of voice is like that of an android, which is mostly human, she really only prioritizes logic and efficiency, which makes her difficult to handle at times.
KOS-MOS is the general term for the combat system developed for use against the Gnosis, and its official name is "Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operations Systems", translated in Japanese as 秩序に従属する戦略的多目的体系 Chitsujo ni Jūzoku suru Senryaku-teki Tamokuteki Taikei (Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System).

KOS-MOS 【アーキタイプ】




KOS-MOS "Archetype"

Written in Japanese as 元型 genkei (prototype).
In Jungian psychology, it is described as the genetically inherited part of the unconscious mind, and is instinctively linked to the patterns which structure the mental activity that exists within in the mind.
During the story, this name is given to the prototype of KOS-MOS that was designed by Kevin.

KOS-MOS【アーキタイプ】 その2


KOS-MOS "Archetype" Part 2

On the planet Carioca, when Vector Industries' KOS-MOS development lab was attacked by a U-TIC organization unit led by Andrew, her autonomous mode was suddenly engaged. The Archetype started to go ballistic.
The catastrophe, which left many dead and injured, ended when Shion demolished the Archetype's head, but Kevin died while protecting Shion from danger.



KOS-MOS "True Combat Frame"

Referred to as Version 2 among Vector staff.
A chassis constructed at two stations on Second Miltia in conjunction with testing of the KOS-MOS OS.
To protect the built-in equipment from any external shock during combat, her body is filled with fluorescent blue anti-G gel.
Her Hilbert generator, which was visor-shaped in Version 1, has been miniaturized and is now installed in her forehead.
Since she is designed with the operation of Tertiary Weapon Systems in mind, the structure of her body has been greatly improved.

KOS-MOS 【模擬戦用筐体】




KOS-MOS "Mock Combat Frame"

A chassis assembled by Shion and her team after converting a core module, recovered from the damaged Archetype, into a spare frame.
Also referred to as Version 1.
The exterior is designed to be more lifelike, partly in an effort to dispel the painful memories of the Archetype haywire accident.


  • In the Japanese version of Xenosaga and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, KOS-MOS is voiced by Mariko Suzuki, who also voices T-elos in Xenosaga Episode III and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
    • Mariko Suzuki also voices the Refined female voice for Cross in the Japanese version of Xenoblade Chronicles X.
    • Along with KOS-MOS' Japanese voice actor, her English voice actor in Xenosaga Episode I and Xenosaga Episode III, Bridget Hoffman, also voices T-elos in Xenosaga Episode III.
  • In the English version of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, KOS-MOS is voiced by Caitlin Thorburn, who also voices Nim and T-elos in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English KOS-MOS
Japan flag.svg Japanese KOS-MOS
France flag.svg French KOS-MOS
Germany flag.svg German KOS-MOS
Spain flag.svg Spanish KOS-MOS
Italy flag.svg Italian KOS-MOS
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) KOS-MOS Re: (XC2)
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) KOS-MOS Re: (XC2)
South Korea flag.svg Korean KOS-MOS Re: (XC2)


Main article: KOS-MOS/Gallery


  1. Xenosaga Weekly Episode III vol. 2 pg. 9