Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode III

Joachim Mizrahi

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Joachim Mizrahi
XSF Encyclopedia picture Joachim.png
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 52 (at time of death)
Height 172 cm
Japanese VA Keiichi Noda
English VA William Frederick Knight (XS1)
Ed Cunningham (XS3)
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga: The Animation
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Joachim Mizrahi (ヨアキム・ミズラヒ) is a supporting character in the Xenosaga series. He is the creator of MOMO and the founder of the U-TIC Organization.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]


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The editor who added this tag elaborates: role within the Miltian Conflict

Joachim Mizrahi was a scientist who was an advocate for the 100-Series Observational Unit Realians and was the creator of MOMO and the Kirschwassers. He also created Proto Merkabah, the facility where MOMO was born, and the Song of Nephilim system. He worked at the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center and was the founder of the U-TIC Organization. He was the husband of Juli Mizrahi. He died during the Miltian Conflict.

Episode I[edit]

While long dead by the time of Episode I, Joachim Mizrahi's legacy still plays an important part in the game. He is first discussed when Ziggy is recruited by the Special Committee on Close Encounters to rescue MOMO and is described by his ex-wife as a madman who lost his humanity. He is later described by Jr. as the one who opened Pandora's Box and unleashed the Gnosis upon the galaxy (this is eventually revealed to be false in Episode III). Hearing such things said about the man she considers her father upsets MOMO greatly. When Ziggy, MOMO and Jr. are within the Encephalon and brought back to Old Miltia they see Joachim speaking atop a skyscraper and falling to his death. Memories of him speaking to MOMO just as she was about to be born are revealed later in the game and he tells her she can be his Sakura (his real daughter).

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Episode III[edit]

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Episode I

Joachim Mizrahi

BORN: T.C. 4701
AGE: 52 years old at time of death

An advocate of the 100-Series Observational Units, and essentially MOMO's father.

A scientist renowned for his genius, he died in T.C. 4753, the year the Miltian Conflict began. The Federation benefited greatly from his contributions, as his numerous research findings played a large part in the Federation's growth.

He was also Juli Mizrahi's former husband.

Episode III

Joachim Mizrahi

Joachim Mizrahi Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Genius scientist who developed the 100-Series system.

Genius scientist who founded the U-TIC Organization and establish Hilbert theory. The results he left the Federation are immeasurable, including D.S.S.S. And the 100-Series {system}, the development of high-efficiency nanomachines, written works on Realian technology, and the fundamental research concerning the Gnosis phenomenon.

Joachim, who had been born on Abraxas, founded the U-TIC Organization after being contacted by the secret society Ormus. He was subsequently engaged in the reconstruction of the Song of Nephilim, known as the invention of madness, and the development of the Proto Merkabah and the 100-Series Observational Units.

At the time of the Federation’s third descent operation on Miltia, Joachim forced the Song of Nephilim into overload. He cut the connection between Miltia and its surroundings and the U.M.N. In order to contain the expansion of the sudden Gnosis phenomenon and the Zohar, the cause of the conflict, to Miltian space.

Though he was supposedly a madman, had Joachim not contained things in this way, the Gnosis phenomenon would have likely spread at an accelerated pace and have reached all regions of the galaxy much earlier.



Joachim Mizrahi Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png


T. C. 4701~4753年。享年52歳。天才科学者。UーTIC機関創設の祖とされる。ヴェクター・インダストリーがス ポンサードしたミズラヒ脳物理学研究所 をはじめ、環境虫などのナノマシンの開発、レアリエンに関する著作物、グノーシスの基礎研究、百式観測器の開発などミズラヒ博士が残した功績は限りなく大きい。愛娘サクラの死をきつかけに、常軌を逸した行動を取るようになり、科学におぼれ、人の道を外れて狂人化したとされる。多くの謎を残したまま、旧ミルチアのUーTIC機関の中央タワー、ラビュリントスから壁死した。

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Xenosaga Episode I[edit]


Xenosaga Episode III[edit]

Character portraits[edit]



Xenosaga I & II[edit]

Character portraits[edit]