Heart-to-Heart (XC1)
- This article is about Heart-to-Hearts in Xenoblade Chronicles. For Heart-to-Hearts in other games, see Heart-to-Heart (disambiguation).
Heart-to-Hearts are short dialogues between two playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles. They can be found all over most areas of the game, labelled with an icon of a handshake. Viewing them grants a large amount of affinity.
To view a Heart-to-Heart, both participating characters need to be in the active party and meet a minimum level of affinity. Some are only viewable during daytime or nighttime. Many cannot be viewed until the story has progressed beyond a certain point, in which case all other requirements (such as the characters involved) are hidden. Once a Heart-to-Heart has been investigated once, it and its requirements will appear in the Heart-to-Heart list in the menu.
Each Heart-to-Heart has four different paths in total; the player may choose between one of two dialogue options at the beginning, and another around the middle. One option adds 50 affinity points, while the other subtracts 50. Heart-to-Hearts that can be viewed at lower affinity tend to have an obvious "right" and "wrong" answer, while those only viewable at higher affinity are more neutral (though they are still defined as "right" and "wrong"). In the end, another 300 affinity points are added, meaning that viewing a Heart-to-Heart always results in a total gain of 200, 300, or 400 affinity. This makes them the single best way of raising affinity.
No Heart-to-Hearts are missable. However, the achievements for "selected both options correctly" and "selected both options incorrectly" are missable, as there are only so many Heart-to-Hearts to complete. (That said, it is statistically unlikely to miss both of them.)
In the Definitive Edition, all viewed Heart-to-Hearts can be re-viewed in the Event Theatre. In Future Connected, Heart-to-Hearts have been replaced with Quiet Moments.
List of Heart-to-Hearts[edit]
In other languages[edit]
Tutorials (original)[edit]
Tutorials (DE)[edit]
| |
Versions | Xenoblade Chronicles • Xenoblade Chronicles 3D • Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (Future Connected) |
Development | Staff (3D • DE • FC) • Unused content • Bugs and glitches |
Plot | Plot summary (FC) • Game script (FC) • Heart-to-Hearts • Quiet Moments • Back Home • Lore |
Gameplay | Combat (Battle Art • Enemy • Chain Attack • Vision) • Items (Weapons • Equipment • Gems • Collectables • Materials) • Gem crafting • Quests • Colony 6 reconstruction • Time Attack |
Audio | Music • Dialogue • Banter |
Other | Merchandise • Advertisement |