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Hall of Plenty

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Hall of Plenty
Hall of Plenty.jpg
Area Tantal (Theoscaldia Palace)
Type Location
Experience 577 EXP
Skill Points 15 SP
Development Points 50

Hall of Plenty is a location in Theoscaldia Palace, Kingdom of Tantal. It connects Theoscaldia Palace (landmark), the Storage Room, via a Lockpicking and Ancient Wisdom level 3 Field Skill check and the Hall of Reception to Silvergleam Terrace the Hall of Virtue.

Auto dialogues[edit]

Main article: Hall of Plenty/Auto dialogue

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Hall of Plenty
Japan flag.svg Japanese 富饒の間
France flag.svg French Salle de l'Abondance Hall of Plenty
Germany flag.svg German Saal der Reichtümer
Spain flag.svg Spanish Sala de la Opulencia
Italy flag.svg Italian Sala dell'Abbondanza
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 富饶大厅
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 富饒之房
South Korea flag.svg Korean 부요의 방
