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Gramps (music)

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Original Title 故郷 (こきょう)
Composer(s) ACE
Length 2:43
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Other versions Gramps/Night
For other articles titled "Gramps", see Gramps (disambiguation).

Gramps is Disc 3, Track 18 on the Xenoblade2 Original Soundtrack and Disc 8, Track 18 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It plays in Fonsett Island during the day. This piece does also play in the Gramps area, but since it's only accessible during the tutorial fight against the King Crustip, this can only be heard there through hacking or by using glitches.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by CHiCO. No official translation exists.

故郷ってなんだろう。両親の想い出がほとんどないレックス、でもなにかしっくりくるもの、とても安心する暖かいものがあるとすれば? 音は透明ですが存在していて、ほんのり暖かい感触の至ってシンプルで口ずさめる曲になればと。本当に沢山書きましたが、一番初めに何気なく公園を歩いている時鼻歌で作った曲に決まりました。田代耕一郎さんに初めてお会いした時に感じた風、この音は田代さんのギターの風で始まる。

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