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Girl Power

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Girl Power
Girl Power Heart-to-Heart.jpg
Location Fonsa Myma, Uraya
(Blossomshade Cliff)
Characters Kora, Pyra, Poppi α, Brighid, Pandoria, Kora's Driver
Required story progress No story requirements
Inn Rest at Folmarie Inn
Other requirements After unlocking Kora's Key Affinity reward level 3
Zeke in the party

Girl Power is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found at Blossomshade Cliff in Fonsa Myma, Kingdom of Uraya. Staying at Folmarie Inn is required to view this Heart-to-Heart. Viewing this Heart-to-Heart is required to unlock the second level of Kora's Electric Mastery Field Skill.


Inn dialogue[edit]

XC2 character icon Kora.png
Hey, you know there's a really nice Saffronia tree round here?
We could head over to Blossomshade Cliff and take a look? It won't take long.
Pleeeeease! C'mon, won't you come and take a look?


XC2 character icon Kora.png
*gasp* So, this is the mighty Saffronia tree?
There aren't many trees with red blossoms... Woowee! That's a real humdinger. Yup, it's pretty.
Oh, hey, by the way...
You hear lots of legends about big trees like this, right? Like, if you confess your love underneath them, it'll come true?
XC2 character icon Pandoria.png
Yeah. I've heard that kind of gumph before too.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Right? But if you ask me, it's probably a load of old nonsense.
I mean, if it was that easy to find true love, the whole world would be full of nothing but happy folks.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
You seem very convinced, but have you ever tested your hypothesis?
XC2 character icon Kora.png
What, me, making confessions of love? I mean, if we're gonna talk about that, how about you, Brighid?
You seem the sincere, passionate type. Have you ever made a confession of love to anyone?
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Me? Of course not.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
How about you, Pyra?
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
Huh? Me?
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Oh, but of course, silly me. You've already got your special someone, haven't you?
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
Huh? What do you mean, I've already...?!
XC2 character icon Kora.png
And the same goes for you Pandoria, of course.
XC2 character icon Pandoria.png
Well...I'm not gonna say you're wrong.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
As for you, Poppi...I guess you're still a bit young to be thinking about that kind of thing.
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Poppi not born yesterday. But not born much more long ago than yesterday. So not really understand.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Yeah, you probably just need to get a little bit bigger before this kind of thing makes sense to you.
So, how about you, Driver?
Kora's Driver
Ah... What should I say?
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Just let me take in this scenery, will you?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Hey, just let me look at this view, will you?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Quiet. Let me enjoy the view.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Hey, I need to get some inspiration from this view here.
XC2 character icon Kora.pngTrust +900
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Uh? What?
How long do you need to look at it? One look lasts a lifetime, you know.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Kora... Don't you think a little peace and quiet is importance to really absorb the beauty of nature?
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Nah, not so much. I feel like I've got it all packed away in the brain-box already.
But anyhow. Is anyone else getting peckish for something sweet?
Hey, Pyra! Why don't we slink away somewhere and get a Blossom Custard or something?
I hear that's one of the must-try things here in Uraya.
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
Well, you know me. I'm happy as long as everyone else is.
XC2 character icon Pandoria.png
I'm not too sure what it is about this situation that's making you hungry exactly.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
I think Kora just prefers the practical to the aesthetic.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
The what to the what? Those were some fancy words there, Brighid.
When I see something pretty, I get hungry, that's all. Doesn't everyone?
Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through. Something to do with my biorhythms.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Kora, I think you might be overthinking this somewhat.
XC2 character icon Kora.png
But, I mean, it makes a lot of sense. A young girl's desire is a force of nature. It knows no limits!
It's all that boundless energy that gives us our appeal. You should remember that, Poppi.
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Looks like being a girl is quite complex. Poppi will study hard to be girl effectively.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
I'll confess my love right now!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You want a confession of love? I'll give you one right now!
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Allow me to confess my love right now!
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Heck, why not. I'll confess my love right here and now!
XC2 character icon Kora.png Trust +1000
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Huh? R-right now?!
W-wow, this is a little embarassing... Er, I don't know what to day...
Now-now I'm getting all nervous!
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Kora getting ahead of herself. Confession of love not necessarily for Kora.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
True enough. It could be for me.
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
Or for me!
XC2 character icon Pandoria.png
Don't count me outta the running!
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Seems like there's a healthy rivalry brewing here!
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Come on, Driver! It's time you told us exactly who it is you've got a special soft spot for!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
U-um, guys? I was just joking...
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Oh, for the... I was kidding, obviously! Can't you take a joke?!
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Actually, I was only trying to lighten the mood. Was my humor too subtle?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Oh, come off it, ladies. Isn't it obvious I was joking around?
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Just a joke? Aw, and there I was getting all excited...
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
I honestly thought it was serious...
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
Oh Pyra... You're so sweet and gullible. I was just playing along, of course.
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Poppi's sensors detected distinct rise in heart rate of Brighid.
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Hey, maybe this isn't the best place to talk bout all this stuff. Let's get into it back in the girl's room at the inn.
This one'll be strictly for us girl Blades. No Drivers. It's Bladies' Night!
We'll get a few sweet treats and just natter till the sun comes up. Ooh, I can't wait!
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Poppi can join in while charging battery. Good opportunity for Poppi's psychological development!
XC2 character icon Pandoria.png
Some of it could be a little advanced for you, Poppi. Even I might struggle to keep up!
XC2 character icon Brighid.png
XC2 character icon Pyra.png
I think I'll let Mythra handle this one...
XC2 character icon Kora.png
Ooh! I'm so excited, I could just burst! Like, literally!
But, hey, don't worry. It's not like we're doing this just so we can trash-talk Drivers.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Girl Power
Japan flag.svg Japanese オトメパワー
France flag.svg French Entre filles
Germany flag.svg German Unter Mädels
Spain flag.svg Spanish Femeninas a su manera
Italy flag.svg Italian Femminilità
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 少女之力
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 少女的力量
South Korea flag.svg Korean 걸 파워
