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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 FR key artwork.png
Key artwork.
Developer Monolith Soft
Publisher Nintendo
Platform Nintendo Switch
Release date 25 April 2023

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is a role-playing video game developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo. It was first teased during the February 8th, 2023 Nintendo Direct and released on April 25th, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. It is part of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass.

Playable characters[edit]

Main playable characters[edit]

XC3 battle portrait Matthew.png XC3 battle portrait A.png XC3 battle portrait Nikol.png XC3 battle portrait Glimmer.png XC3 battle portrait Shulk.png XC3 battle portrait Rex.png
Matthew A Nikol Glimmer Shulk Rex

Guest characters[edit]

XC3 battle portrait Na'el.png


Main article: Plot summary of Future Redeemed

Future Redeemed takes place many years before the events of the base game, concerning the Founders of the second City. Two adventurers, Matthew and A, travel through the Cent-Omnia region in search of survivors of the City's attack, an event that caused the death of Matthew's grandfather, Ghondor, and the disappearance of Matthew's sister, Na'el. After breaking up a fight between the Kevesi soldier Nikol and the Agnian solder Glimmer, as well as later encountering the Liberators led by Shulk and Rex, Matthew discovers many truths about not only Aionios and Moebius, but also the worlds that came before.


The gameplay is very similar to the base game of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, but slightly streamlined. There are no heroes and their associated quests, and affinity is gained through various actions such as exploration and combat. The map takes place in the Cent-Omnia region of Aionios, which goes unseen in the base game.


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In other words, yes we know it's unfinished; we just didn't want to leave it blank in the meantime. You can help complete it.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Japan flag.svg Japanese ゼノブレイド3  (あら)たなる未来 (みらい) Xenoblade 3: The New Future
France flag.svg French Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Un avenir retrouvé Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future recovered
Germany flag.svg German Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Die erlöste Zukunft Xenoblade Chronicles 3: The redeemed future
Spain flag.svg Spanish Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Futuros redimidos Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Redeemed futures
Italy flag.svg Italian Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Un futuro riconquistato Xenoblade Chronicles 3: A reconquered future
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 异度神剑3 崭新的未来 Xenoblade 3: Brand New Future
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 異度神劍3 嶄新的未來 Xenoblade 3: Brand New Future
South Korea flag.svg Korean 제노블레이드 크로니클스 3 새로운 미래 Xenoblade Chronicles 3: New Future


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