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Feelings Risen to the Sky

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Feelings Risen to the Sky
Original Title (そら)へと (のぼ)った (おも)
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Length 3:15
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Feelings Risen to the Sky is Disc 7, Track 6 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 18, Track 6 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

Its melody is based upon Off-Seer - Mio's A section at 0:19, Off-Seer - Mio's B section at 2:04, and Off-Seer - Miyabi at 1:19. It also includes accompaniment based upon Off-Seer - Noah's B section at 2:04. The melody in the piano at 0:42 also appears in Off-Seer, Blade - Those Who Know Fear, and A Life Overflowing. The melody at 0:49 appears in Homecoming.

It plays in the following cutscenes:

  • Mio reveals that she swapped bodies with M in Chapter 6.
  • Miyabi explains what she believes to be the Off-seers' purpose in Side Story: Mio. (Miyabi plays the flute line at 2:04 in-universe here.)
  • Mio and Noah play their flutes against Y's soldiers in the same quest.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

ミオが初めておくりびととしてミヤビと戦場へ赴きますが、 おくりびととしての使命を見いだせていません。そん なミオに対してミヤビはおくりびととしての役目を言葉や実際の演奏で伝えます。 この曲の前半部分ではミオの 「おくりびと」 のフレーズが使われており、 中間部分ではミヤビの 「命」の部分が対比として使われています。 演 奏による感情の違いを“想いを伝える大切さ”として謳っています。 そして、最後の大サビ (「魂」の部分)でのミ ヤビの演奏はとても力強い願いが感じられます。

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This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.