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Eternal Spirit

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Eternal Spirit
XC2 quest thumbnail 071.png
In Argentum, Perun is intrigued by a noticeboard ad asking for help finding a missing child. Let's do what we can.
Type XC2 field icon quest objective.png Blade quest
Location Goldmouth, Argentum Trade Guild (Central Exchange)
Prerequisites After unlocking Chivalry level 2.
After unlocking Perun's Key Affinity reward level 4.
Nia, Tora, Mòrag, Zeke and Perun are in the party.

Eternal Spirit is a Blade Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be received by reading the notice board in the Central Exchange in Goldmouth, Argentum Trade Guild, after both unlocking the second level of Perun's Chivalry Field Skill and her fourth Key Affinity reward, provided Nia, Tora, Mòrag, Zeke and Perun are in the party. Completing it will unlock the third level of Perun's Chivalry Field Skill.

Quest objectives[edit]


"Dr. Castrofari receives a stern judgment, and the children are returned to their homes."


Main article: Eternal Spirit/Script

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Eternal Spirit
Japan flag.svg Japanese 永久不変 (えいきゅうふへん)精神 (せいしん) Forever Unchanging Spirit
France flag.svg French Une volonté sans faille
Germany flag.svg German Unbändiger Wille
Spain flag.svg Spanish Espíritu eterno
Italy flag.svg Italian Spirito eterno
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 永久不变的精神 Forever Unchanging Spirit
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 永世不變的精神 Forever Unchanging Spirit
South Korea flag.svg Korean 영구불변의 정신
