Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III

E.S. Asher

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Not to be confused with Ashera, a hero from Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
E.S. Asher
E.S. Asher XS2.jpg
Mech E.S.
Pilot Jr.
Canaan (Miltian Conflict)
Co-pilot(s) chaos
Height 15.12m[1]
Dry Weight 21.5t[1]
Weaponry Shield Lancer, Gatling Gun, Pile Bunker, Shotgun, Bazooka, Grenade Rifle, Missiles
Manufacturer Vector Industries
Engine Vessel of Anima
Erde Kaiser engine
Appearances Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga I & II

E.S. Asher is a playable E.S. unit that appears in the Xenosaga series. It is primarily used by Jr..


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Miltian Conflict[edit]

Asher was provided for use by chaos and Canaan, during the height of the Miltian Conflict. They were sent by Helmer down to Old Miltia to retrieve the U.R.T.V.s that were there. The two of them descend to Old Miltia in Asher, fighting off U-TIC forces along the way. They travel the streets of the city in it, but its left arm was blown off by out of control Federation A.M.W.S.s despite broadcasting an emergency IFF to them but were saved by Jin (who received the IFF) in his A.M.W.S. and decides to abandon it and travel on foot, with Jin. After the duel between Jin and Margulis, chaos and Canaan return to Asher and recover Rubedo and a heavily wounded Nigredo. At some point after the Miltian Conflict, Asher's left arm was replaced.

Episode II[edit]

In the present day, Canaan uses Asher to fight off Pellegri in her E.S. Issachar when she and her subordinates try to capture MOMO on Second Miltia. The two crafts have a strange reaction to each other when interacting. Asher is used by Jr. in the present day, with several other individuals acting as the co-pilot. Towards the end of the game, Jr. departs in the craft in order to head into the Space-Time Anomaly to take on Albedo.

Episode III[edit]

Jr. continues to pilot the Asher during Episode III, with chaos acting as the sole co-pilot. Asher is then fitted with the Erde Kaiser engine crafted by the Professor that is capable of allowing the E.S. to operate normally without a Vessel of Anima. It loses its Vessel of Anima at the Underground Ruins and is damaged by Joshua when Zarathustra goes out of control with its left arm being assimilated into Joshua. Asher is still operational after the Vessels of Anima disappear with the Zohar in the final chapter of the game with Jin piloting it to ferry the party back to the surface before going back to assist KOS-MOS, chaos, and Nephilim in their task of sending Michtam to Lost Jerusalem.

As a playable E.S.[edit]

Episode II[edit]

Main article: E.S. Asher/Gameplay (XS2)

Episode III[edit]

Main article: E.S. Asher/Gameplay (XS3)

Xenosaga I & II[edit]

Main article: E.S. Asher/Gameplay (XS1&2)


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  • The title screen of Xenosaga Episode II depicts Asher being constructed in an unknown facility.



Episode II[edit]



Episode III[edit]


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Xenosaga I & II[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Weekly Xenosaga Episode III vol. 2 pg. 10