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Desolate Land

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Desolate Land
Desolate Land Heart-to-Heart.jpg
Location Upper Level, First Low Orbit Station
(road over the dried lake in Elysium)
Characters Floren, Floren's Driver
Required story progress No story requirements
Other requirements After unlocking Floren's Key Affinity reward level 5

Desolate Land is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found on the road over the dried lake in Elysium on the Upper Level of the First Low Orbit Station. Viewing this Heart-to-Heart is required to unlock the fifth level of Floren's Lavender Drive Special.


XC2 character icon Rex.png
What's up Floren? You look down in the dumps.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You all right, Floren? What's up?
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Are you OK? You don't look it.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Hey, Floren, what's the matter? Cheer up!
XC2 character icon Floren.png
The land is choked with sand...
Is this really Elysium?
No flowers, no trees, no grass. Just a barren plain of rocks and sand.
Look. I bet that was a beautiful lake once.
But there isn't even a drop of water left.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
I guess this place doesn't get much rain.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
I suppose they don't get much rain here.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
I suppose little rain falls here.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Can't imagine they get much rain here!
XC2 character icon Floren.png
Water is essential for life.
But there isn't any here.
This place is completely barren.
Some places have a drought now and again, but they still have a little hope. This place...
It's just...dead.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Hey, Floren...
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Hey, Floren.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Isn't there something we can do to bring the greenery back?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
There must be some way to bring back the greenery.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Shall we search for a way to bring back the greenery?
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
I wonder if there's some way to bring back the old greenery.
XC2 character icon Floren.pngTrust +1000
XC2 character icon Floren.png
No roots can take hold in sand like this. And nothing is going to grow without water.
Maybe something CAN grow!
Floren's Driver
XC2 character icon Floren.png
Well, you know life is a powerful thing.
It may be too dry for seeds here, but...
Floren's Driver
...We could get some seedlings from somewhere else and plant them here?
XC2 character icon Floren.png
At first, they probably won't last very long.
But as plants die, their remains fertilize the soil.
They'll be giving their goodness back to the next generations.
It'll take a while. But do it enough times...
and eventually this dead land can be restored to life!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Hey, there's the old Floren!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
That's more like the Floren I know.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
At last. You seem to be back to your old self.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Heyyy, there we go! Back to your old self!
XC2 character icon Floren.png
Yes! Thank you.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to bring back the vegetation!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
It's so sad to think that the land might have died forever.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
It's pretty sad to think the land might have died forever.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
It is a terrible thing to think that this place might be sterile forever.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
It's jolly sad to see the land so desolate.
XC2 character icon Floren.pngTrust +900
XC2 character icon Floren.png
That's so sad...
When nature is destroyed, life and everything else is destroyed with it.
Don't people feel any shame when they see places like this?
All life comes from nature. All beings should live in harmony with it.
Why don't people treat it with the respect it deserves?
Why do they let it fall into this state? All life is precious, something to be cherished!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
That's so true. Nobody realizes how important the environment is.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You're right. Nobody gets how important this stuff is.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
That's true. Few realize the importance of the environment.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Yup, you hit the nail on the head. Nobody gets it.
XC2 character icon Floren.png
I'm a Blade, so I wasn't born from nature.
Mortals are part of nature, and I envy them for that. But it angers me to see them show no regard for it.
There are good humans out there, of course. Like you.
But mostly... I just don't understand them.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
That's OK, though.
Well, it's early days. Maybe someday, humans and Blades will come to understand each other.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Yeah, I think you're right.
Maybe one day, Blades will understand humans, and humans will understand Blades.
XC2 character icon Mòrag.png
Ah, it's still early days.
Maybe we all just need a little more time to understand each other.
XC2 character icon Zeke.png
Don't worry about it!
Maybe in time, mutual understanding and harmony will blossom... Wow, that's deep. I better write it down.
XC2 character icon Floren.png
Yeah, you're right.
I actually feel like you understand me pretty well already.
That's why I feel like I can keep going even in the face of sadness.
Thank you for everything!

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Desolate Land
Japan flag.svg Japanese オアシス
France flag.svg French Terres désolées
Germany flag.svg German Leben in der Wüste
Spain flag.svg Spanish Tierra desolada
Italy flag.svg Italian Una terra desolata
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 绿洲
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 綠洲
South Korea flag.svg Korean 오아시스
