Damage (XC2)
- For other articles titled "Damage", see Damage (disambiguation).
Damage is the means of reducing an opponent's HP to zero in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. Damage is primarily dealt via Auto-attacks, Driver Arts and Vanguard Arts, Specials, and Blade Combos, among other sources. Each of these deal varying amounts of damage based upon the stats of the Driver and Blade, any equipped items, and many other factors.
When a party member deals damage, the amount of damage dealt appears as white text on the screen. If a damage-increasing bonus effect is met, a yellow starburst appears around the number. The numbers for damage received by party members appear red; spike damage appears purple; and that caused by damage-over-time effects appears orange. Critical hits are in a larger text size.
Damage formula[edit]
In brief[edit]
Damage is broadly calculated as follows:
damage = (AutoAttackStat + TypeStat) * (DamageRatio / 100) * HitDistribution * (1 + sum of AdditiveBonus) * (1 - TargetResistance) * product of MultiplicativeBonus
If the final result is lower than 1, it is set to 1; if it is higher than 999,999, it is set to 999,999. Non-integer results are rounded down.
In this formula:
- AutoAttackStat is the auto-attack stat of the Blade, as seen in the menu (or 0 if the attacking character has no Blade). It is broadly dependent upon weapon, Core Chip, and Trust.
- TypeStat is the Driver's Strength if the attack is physical, and Ether if the attack is ether. This is most directly dependent upon the Driver and their level. For enemy attacks, it is also dependent upon the difficulty setting.
- DamageRatio is a value that determines the total power of the attack used. The three Auto-attacks have a DamageRatio of 50, 80, and 120 respectively, and other attacks generally fall between 100 and 2000.
- HitDistribution applies to multi-hit attacks; the sum of HitDistribution across all hits of an attack sums to 1, so all else being equal, a multi-hit attack will (usually) do the same damage as a single-hit attack with the same damage ratio.
- AdditiveBonus refers to a large class of damage boosts called "additives", as they are added together before being multiplied onto the rest of the formula. If an affect that increases or decreases damage is not specified below, it may be assumed to be additive.
- TargetResistance is the target's physical defense for physical attacks, and ether defense for ether attacks.
- MultiplicativeBonus refers to any damage modifiers that are multiplied on to the formula separately. See below for a full list.
Technical details[edit]
The full damage formula is as follows:
uncapped_damage = (AutoAttackStat * StabilityRoll * JustRange * sum of AttachmentModifier + TypeStat) * DamageRatio/100 * HitDistribution * (1 + sum of CancelBonus) * (1 + sum of AdditiveBonus) * (1 + DriverCombo + FusionCombo + sum of FusionComboBonus) * (1 - TargetResistance) * (1 + TargetElementTotal) * Crit * ArtsPlus * Block * ClassEffect * IdeaLevel * ChainAttack * ElementOrb * EyeOfShiningJustice * SurpriseAttack * Awakening * BannerAura * RageReduction * SuperStrengthReduction * MonadoArmor * PouchItemReduction * SpecialsAffinityModifier * SpecialsTrustModifier * SpecialsCommonModifier * LevelDifferenceModifier damage = min(999999, max(1, floor(uncapped_damage)))
AutoAttackStat, TypeStat, DamageRatio, HitDistribution, AdditiveBonus, and TargetResistance are described above.
Each weapon+Core Chip combination has a stability value. (This is normally hidden to the player but can be found on the weapon pages.) The auto-attack stat receives a random[1] multiplier, StabilityRoll, between 1-Stability
and 1+Stability
. For example, the Aegis Sword with the Shaft Chip has a stability of 10%; this means that its StabilityRoll takes values between 0.9 and 1.1.
Just Range[edit]
Each weapon has a Just Range, a "sweetspot" range in which it does 20% additional damage, multiplied onto the auto-attack stat. This is not directly mentioned in-game, but it is indicated on the UI: when the player-controlled Driver is within their weapon's Just Range, the element icon in the lower right flashes.
Certain accessories give a bonus to the damage of a weapon. All relevant bonuses are summed and multiplied onto the auto-attack stat.
Cancel damage[edit]
When a Driver Art is canceled into, it receives an increase in damage: 10% from the first auto-attack, 20% from the second auto-attack, 30% from the third auto-attack. Canceling a Blade Switch or another Driver Art (with Arts Chain) into a Driver Art also increases damage; see Cancel (XC2)#Benefits for details.
Other effects that increase cancel damage, such as that of Noise Dampeners, get added to this value. In addition, the Opening Art Aux Core and Skill RAM effects are added to this value, regardless of whether the Art in question was canceled into or not.
Driver and Fusion Combos[edit]
Certain stages of the Driver Combo, Topple and Launch, add partywide damage bonuses (DriverCombo): +25% and +50% respectively. Smash also adds +50% party damage while the Smash symbol is visible on the UI (which includes the hit which initiated the Smash).
Moreover, when a Blade Combo is used on a Driver Combo as part of a Fusion Combo, an additional damage bonus (FusionCombo) is granted for the remainder of the Driver Combo stage that stacks additively onto the Driver Combo bonus. If multiple Blade Combo stages are inflicted on the same Driver Combo stage, each one adds a new bonus to the total. See Fusion Combo#Stacking for details. Increases to Fusion Combo strength (FusionComboBonus) are added onto this value.
Target element[edit]
Attacks with an element may do more or less damage based upon the element of the target. The TargetElementTotal is -20% if the target shares the attack's element. If the target's element is the opposite of that of the attacker, TargetElementTotal is +20% normally, but may be additively increased with effects such as that of Battle Wisdom.
Critical hits[edit]
- Main article: Critical hit (XC2)
The Crit parameter is 1 if the attack was not a critical hit, and 1.25 + sum of CriticalPower
if it was. CriticalPower consists of any bonus to critical hit damage specifically.
Other independent multipliers[edit]
- ArtsPlus: The Arts Plus Blade Skill independently increases damage by 50% at base.
- Block is 1 if the attack was not blocked, and 0.5 if it was.
- ClassEffect: Several classes, particularly those that use ATK-type Blades, grant increases to damage dealt by the Driver and their Blades. Likewise, classes that use DEF-type Blades reduce damage taken by the Driver.
- IdeaLevel: The damage dealt by an elemental attack is influenced by the Driver's corresponding Idea level; a 5% damage boost is granted per level.
- ChainAttack: Damage dealt during Chain Attacks is boosted by a multiplier which increases as element orbs are burst.
- ElementOrb: If an element orb (from a Blade Combo or otherwise) is placed on an enemy, that enemy will receive 0.75x damage from attacks of that element. The Chosen One overrides this.
- EyeOfShiningJustice: The Unleash Shining Justice effect doubles damage dealt by Zeke and Pandoria for its duration.
- SurpriseAttack: A surprise attack is when the enemy is attacked before drawing aggro. Several effects increase the damage of surprise attacks, such as Shadow Strike, forming their own multiplier group.
- Awakening: Certain enemies may receive a special status called (Elemental) Awakening. One of its effects is to increase the damage they deal by 5%-30% (the exact amount is dependent upon the enemy).
- BannerAura: Certain immovable enemies like Totems and Emblems reduce damage taken and increase damage dealt by enemies in a fixed radius.
- RageReduction: Enemies in Challenge Battle Mode may take reduced ether damage upon enraging.
- SuperStrengthReduction: The rare Super Strength buff (not to be confused with Superstrength) decreases damage taken by half. It also increases damage dealt, which is classified under buffs.
- MonadoArmor: Monado Armor gives its users an 80% reduction in damage taken.
- PouchItemReduction: Some Pouch Items, particularly Meats and Seafood, reduce damage taken by the user.
- Special modifiers: The damage dealt by Specials is affected by Affinity (the SpecialsAffinityModifier) and Trust (the SpecialTrustModifier). The trust modifier is independent of the effect that trust has on the auto-attack stat. Common Blades have an additional modifier (SpecialsCommonModifier) on the damage of their Specials. See Common Blade#Specials for details.
- LevelDifferenceModifier: Enemies deal more damage to party members if their level is substantially higher than that of the target, and deal less damage if their level is lower.
Exceptions to the damage formula[edit]
Blade Combos[edit]
A Blade Combo inflicts a hit which is directly proportional to the damage of the Special which inflicted it. The damage is calculated as follows:
base_damage = SpecialDamage * BladeComboMultiplier uncapped_damage = base_damage * (1 + unstackedFusionCombo + sum of FusionComboBonus + sum of BladeComboBonus)
is the total damage of the Special;BladeComboMultiplier
is a value dependent upon the exact Blade Combo;unstackedFusionCombo
is the damage boost given by the Fusion Combo corresponding to the current Driver Combo stage and inflicted Blade Combo stage ignoring stacking effects;FusionComboBonus
is as above;BladeComboBonus
is any bonus specific to Blade Combos.
Certain Blade Combos also deal damage over time while the combo stage lasts. The damage dealt per tick is calculated identically, albeit with a different value of BladeComboMultiplier
(again dependent upon the specific Blade Combo). If the target is Smashed, the damage per tick increases by the following amount:
added_damage = base_damage * (FusionCombo + sum of FusionComboBonus)
where base_damage
is the base damage of the initial Blade Combo as shown above (ignoring Fusion Combo effects), and FusionComboBonus
is once again as above. Here, FusionCombo
is (as above) the standard damage bonus from the Fusion Combo inflicted by the Smash: 75% if the Blade Combo is stage 1 (corresponding to a stage 5 Fusion Combo), and 100% if the Blade Combo is stage 2 (a stage 6 Fusion Combo).
When a target impacts the ground due to being Smashed, they receive a hit of "slam damage". This is calculated as follows:
uncapped_damage = SmashHitDamage * (50% + sum of SmashDamageUp + FusionCombo + sum of FusionComboBonus + 90% * RemainingLaunchDuration)
is the total damage dealt by the Smash-inflicting Art up until (and including) the Smash-inflicting hit;SmashDamageUp
consists of any increase to Smash damage, such as Consul Pauldrons;FusionCombo
are as above;RemainingLaunchDuration
is the total time remaining on the Launch in seconds. If the target is doing an art that applies Launch to themselves for the art's duration, this value is zero.
As the Launch duration is impacted by Fusion Combos, this value can be made very large, and Smash damage can easily reach the damage cap.
Instant death[edit]
Several effects deal damage equal to the target's current HP, instantly defeating or incapacitating them. These include Doom (on expiry), as well as certain randomly-proccing passive effects such as Purifying Flames. Notably, and uniquely, these bypass the damage cap; they are able to deal over 999,999 damage if the target's HP is above this value. (Situations in which this may occur are rare, as most high-HP enemies are unique monsters or bosses, which are generally immune to instant death effects.)
Spike damage[edit]
When a character attacks a target, the target may inflict spike damage on the attacker. Spike damage is dealt for each incoming hit, in some cases only if the hit is evaded. It is typically fixed damage, often dependent upon the Strength or Ether stat of the character who inflicts the spike damage. Effects which "counter attacks with X% physical/ether damage" inflict spike damage using the Strength or the Ether stat respectively.
Spike damage can be reduced using the Spike Defense Aux Core and Skill RAM, but is in general independent of any other effects.
Certain enemy attacks, as well as Confining Flames, place a firepit: a circular region on the ground which deals damage over time to all opponents standing within the region.
There are multiple firepits available for arts to use.
ID number | Radius | Damage | Tickrate | Duration | Arts |
1 | 6m | 150 | 2s | 20s | |
2 | 4m | 1000 | 2s | 20s | |
3 | 6m | 500 | 2s | 20s | |
4 | 6m | 300 | 2s | 20s | |
5 | 6m | 300 | 2s | 20s | |
6 | 5m | 500 | 1s | 10s |
Luring an enemy always deals 1 damage. This can kill if the target is at 1 HP.
Outside of battle[edit]
Not all damage is sustained from enemy attacks; wandering into dangerous areas or falling from too high will also inflict damage. These sources of damage do not stop when in battle, so it is important to avoid them when possible while fighting. Computer-controlled party members cannot be killed by fall damage or terrain damage unless a fight is ongoing; they will drop to 1 HP instead.
Fall damage[edit]
Terrain damage[edit]
Various liquids are hazardous to swim in, dealing damage based on max HP every few seconds. Auto-healing does not activate when in such a substance. Certain accessories and Aux Cores reduce this damage, up to the point of nullification if enough sources of terrain damage reduction are stacked.
Increasing damage dealt[edit]
Decreasing damage taken[edit]
- ↑ The distribution is not known for certain, but it is assumed to be uniform.