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Cliffs of Morytha (music)

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Cliffs of Morytha
Original Title モルスの断崖 (だんがい)
Composer(s) Kenji Hiramatsu
Length 3:27
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Cliffs of Morytha is Disc 4, Track 18 on the Xenoblade2 Original Soundtrack and Disc 9, Track 18 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It plays in all regions of the Cliffs of Morytha, as well as in the Old Factory in Mor Ardain.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Kenji Hiramatsu. No official translation exists.

Original text

今作は有機的な生き物感のあるフィールドが多かったので、このフィールド(ダンジョン)は逆に無機物を強調する形にしました。工場の機械音や鉄のぶつかる音を主体にビートを組み上げ、そこに無感情なシンセリードから徐々に躍動感のある音色へスイッチし、更にエレキギターも加えて「無機物の織りなす有機的な律動」をイメージして仕上げました! 生のストリングスもあえて機械的に歯車のように演奏して頂くという贅沢な作りです。

Unofficial translation by bebr117

This game has a lot of fields with a very organic feel, so for this field (dungeon) I chose to put emphasis on how inorganic it is. The main beat is formed from mechanical factory sounds and clanging metal, switching slowly from an apathetic synth lead to a more energetic tone, with an extra electric guitar added to complete the image of “an organic rhythm with inorganic parts woven in”! I specifically used live strings, but had them perform in a very mechanical, clockwork way, just to make the piece a bit more special.