Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III


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Species Fictitious rabbit
Gender Male
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga Freaks
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga: The Animation

Bunnie (うーくん) is a fictitious character in the Xenosaga universe. It is sometimes regarded as the mascot of the Xenosaga series itself.

Multiple instances of Bunnie act as NPCs, in particular on the Elsa.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]

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  • Bunnie's copyright status is currently in dispute.
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Episode III


Bunnie Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

A caricature of a rabbit, well-known across all regions of the galaxy.

A caricature of a rabbit, well-known across all regions of the galaxy.

Said to be originally the creation of a children's book author from planet Tessedora in the T.C. 4630s, but the facts are uncertain. As a result of the character's ambiguous copyright status, a variety of industries have used its cuteness to sell merchandise, creating a mass of wealth.

The character is just as popular even now, in the later half of the T.C. 4700s; toy store franchises like TOYS UNIVERSE have introduced original variations on the character, in addition to selling its original design. Shion has been a huge fan since childhood, and uses it as the procurator for her connection gear.



Bunnie Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png


エンセフェロン内で登場するウサギ系の生物。 U. M. N. の端 末のマスコットキャラでもあり非常に愛らしい表情をしているが 実は本当の顔は後頭部にあり、 その顔は猛烈に不気味。 スーパーキャロットジュースが大好物。

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Xenosaga I & II



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Episode I[edit]

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Episode II[edit]



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Episode III[edit]

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Xenosaga Freaks[edit]