Xenosaga Episode I

Awakening (XS1)

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For other articles titled "Awakening", see Awakening (disambiguation).
Original Title 覚醒 (かくせい)
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Length 2:23
Used in Xenosaga Episode I

Awakening is Disc 1, Track 8 on the Xenosaga Original Soundtrack and Disc 2, Track 6 on the Xenosaga Episode I album. ('Awakening' is an unofficial translation, as seen in the VGMdb listing of the album.)

It plays in the cutscene where KOS-MOS version 1 awakens for the first time.

Album Notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

もはや音楽というよりも、一種の効果音としての曲にな っています。 無機質で怖いものを表現するのは苦手で、 か なり苦労しました。

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This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.