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At Our Life's End

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At Our Life's End
Original Title (つむ)がれた (いのち) (はて)てに
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Arrangement Mariam Abounnasr
Length 3:54
Used in Future Redeemed
Other versions Two Worlds and Two Hearts
Future Awaits

At Our Life's End is Disc 9, Track 1 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 20, Track 1 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It is a piano version of Future Awaits and Two Worlds and Two Hearts.

It plays on the game's title screen. Na'el also plays it in-universe when the party finds her in the Ark in Chapter 5; the piece starts at the end of the prior cutscene and continues as the area theme until Na'el is found.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

「Future Awaits」のピアノアレンジになりますが歌モノよりも少し切なく、どことなく懐かしい雰囲気を醸し出 せたらと思っていました。ピアノアレンジはマリアム・アボンナサーが施し、ピアノだけで非常に広がりのあるア レンジをしてくれました。 そして、 ピアノの演奏は野口明生氏です。 彼はとても優しく神秘的な音色を奏でるのが 本当に上手く、 この曲にピッタリな演奏をしてくれました。 今回の歌モノのメロディはとてもシンプルで、音域も かなり狭いためピアノアレンジするには難しい曲だったと言えます。

Wiki icon - Translation.svg This section needs to be translated.
This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.


  • Matthew recognises the piece by its melody, implying that Na'el commonly plays it.
  • On the 22nd of December, 2023, Procyon Studio's website added a button which played a shortened loop of At Our Life's End.