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Accessory (XC2)

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For other articles titled "Accessory", see Accessory (disambiguation).
The menu icon used for accessories.

Accessories are a type of item in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. Drivers can equip them to improve their capabilities in battle. Accessories can be equipped by going into the Characters submenu, selecting a Driver, and then selecting Accessories. The player's full list of accessories can be seen in the Item List, marked by a ring icon. A maximum of 900 accessories can be held at once; any accessories collected after hitting the cap will be discarded instantly and silently.

Ordinarily, each Driver can equip up to two accessories at once. In New Game Plus, this can be increased to three for each Driver by using Accessory Expander Kits. In Torna, this third slot is instead reserved for the Driver's weapon; modifying this special class of accessory allows changing the Driver's element.

A character cannot equip two accessories that have the exact same qualitative effect, even if the strength of their effects are different (e.g. if a character has equipped an accessory that gives them a 15% boost to Agility, they cannot simultaneously equip an accessory that provides them a 25% boost to Agility). However, it is possible to equip two accessories that improve the same attribute if their effect is different (in the previous example, it would be possible to simultaneously equip an accessory that increases Agility by 100).


Accessories can be obtained via the following methods:


Accessories can be categorised in various ways besides name and/or effect.

Each accessory has a rarity of either Common, Rare, or Legendary, represented by one, two, or three diamonds respectively. Accessories with a higher rarity have a stronger effect than otherwise identical accessories with a lower rarity. Most accessories, with a handful of exceptions, come in any rarity; those with different rarity are typically found from different sources, although those with different rarity but the same name can often be found in the same region.

Accessories are internally subdivided into the following categories:

Pressing minus when selecting an accessory in the menu provides options to sort by category, or to prioritise one category of accessory at the top of the list.

Each accessory also has one of ten icons, such as a belt, a ring, or a cube. This is purely for flavour and has no gameplay effect. The icon typically corresponds to the accessory's name, although not always (for example, the Beast-Hide Vest uses the belt icon rather than the vest icon).

List of accessories[edit]

Name Value Effect
XC2 item icon Cubes.png 0-Battle Course Common 39,700 G Boosts experience received from defeating enemies by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png 0-Battle Course+ Common 23,800 G Boosts experience received from defeating enemies by 50%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Abyss Masque Common 18,600 G Deal 100% more and take 50% more damage.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Abyss Masque Rare 18,600 G Deal 105% more and take 52% more damage.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Abyss Masque Legendary 18,600 G Deal 110% more and take 55% more damage.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Abyss Vest Rare 5,000 G Boosts maximum HP by 24%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Activity Amulet Common 2,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 20%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Activity Amulet Rare 2,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 22%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Activity Amulet Legendary 2,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 24%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Affection Necklace Common 9,900 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 15%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Affection Necklace Rare 9,900 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 17%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Affection Necklace Legendary 9,900 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 19%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Affection Ring Common 1,500 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 35%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Affection Ring Rare 1,500 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 37%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Affection Ring Legendary 1,500 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 39%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Alexandrite Common 24,400 G Restores 10% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Alexandrite Rare 24,400 G Restores 10.5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Alexandrite Legendary 24,400 G Restores 11% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Alpha Scope Common 7,900 G Reduces enemy Topple resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Alpha Scope Rare 7,900 G Reduces enemy Topple resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Alpha Scope Legendary 7,900 G Reduces enemy Topple resist.
XC2 item icon Other.png Alphabet Course Common 63,000 G Boosts WP received from defeating enemies by 25%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Alphabet Course+ Common 26,000 G Boosts WP received from defeating enemies by 50%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Ancient Banner Common 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 100%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Ancient Banner Rare 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 105%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Ancient Banner Legendary 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 110%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Appealing Lamp Common 3,200 G Adds 25% buffer time to combos if switching to a combo-requesting Blade.
XC2 item icon Other.png Appealing Lamp Rare 3,200 G Adds 30% buffer time to combos if switching to a combo-requesting Blade.
XC2 item icon Other.png Appealing Lamp Legendary 3,200 G Adds 35% buffer time to combos if switching to a combo-requesting Blade.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Apprentice Vambraces Common 4,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 20%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Apprentice Vambraces Rare 4,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 25%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Apprentice Vambraces Legendary 4,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 30%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Arms Attachment Common 9,800 G Increases attack power of Mech Arms-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Arms Attachment Rare 9,800 G Increases attack power of Mech Arms-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Arms Attachment Legendary 9,800 G Increases attack power of Mech Arms-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Assassin Shoes Common 13,600 G Boosts Agility by 25%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Assassin Shoes Rare 13,600 G Boosts Agility by 26%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Assassin Shoes Legendary 13,600 G Boosts Agility by 27%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Assault Stone Common 5,400 G Increases auto-attack damage by 40%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Assault Stone Rare 5,400 G Increases auto-attack damage by 45%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Assault Stone Legendary 5,400 G Increases auto-attack damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Attack Stone Common 900 G Increases auto-attack damage by 20%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Attack Stone Rare 900 G Increases auto-attack damage by 25%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Attack Stone Legendary 900 G Increases auto-attack damage by 30%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Augmented Vision Kit Common 13,200 G Increases item drop collection range by 200cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Augmented Vision Kit Rare 13,200 G Increases item drop collection range by 205cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Augmented Vision Kit Legendary 13,200 G Increases item drop collection range by 210cm.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Auto-Balancer Legendary 26,000 G Prevents deflections when an enemy guards an attack.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Avant-Garde Medal Common 9,500 G Absorbs 20% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Avant-Garde Medal Rare 9,500 G Absorbs 21% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Avant-Garde Medal Legendary 9,500 G Absorbs 22% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Other.png Avian Totem Carving Legendary 1,400 G Restores 5.5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Axe Attachment Common 1,200 G Increases attack power of Greataxe-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Axe Attachment Rare 1,200 G Increases attack power of Greataxe-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Axe Attachment Legendary 1,200 G Increases attack power of Greataxe-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ball Attachment Common 3,600 G Increases attack power of Bitball-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ball Attachment Rare 3,600 G Increases attack power of Bitball-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ball Attachment Legendary 3,600 G Increases attack power of Bitball-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beast Hood Common 2,100 G Increases aggro reduction by 20%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beast Hood Rare 2,100 G Increases aggro reduction by 21%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beast Hood Legendary 2,100 G Increases aggro reduction by 22%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Beast-Hide Vest Common 20,300 G Boosts Strength by 35%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Beast-Hide Vest Rare 20,300 G Boosts Strength by 36%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Beast-Hide Vest Legendary 20,300 G Boosts Strength by 37%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Beatific Medal Common 17,900 G Restores 6% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Beatific Medal Rare 17,900 G Restores 6.2% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Beatific Medal Legendary 17,900 G Restores 6.5% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Belemnite Bangle Common 26,100 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 90%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Belemnite Bangle Rare 26,100 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 95%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Belemnite Bangle Legendary 26,100 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 100%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Berserk Ring Common 12,400 G Extends Launch duration by 20%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Berserk Ring Rare 12,400 G Extends Launch duration by 21%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Berserk Ring Legendary 12,400 G Extends Launch duration by 22%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Best Girl Fan Tora Legendary 10,000 G Reduces terrain damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beta Scope Common 23,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beta Scope Rare 23,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Beta Scope Legendary 23,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Bio Gauntlet Common 11,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 30%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Bio Gauntlet Rare 11,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 32%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Bio Gauntlet Legendary 11,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 34%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Black Belt Common 13,600 G Extends Topple duration by 20%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Black Belt Rare 13,600 G Extends Topple duration by 21%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Black Belt Legendary 13,600 G Extends Topple duration by 22%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Black Cube Common 24,400 G Adds a 65% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Black Cube Rare 24,400 G Adds a 70% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Black Cube Legendary 24,400 G Adds a 75% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Blood Witch Nia Legendary 1,000 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 24%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Bloody Orb Common 13,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 150%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Bloody Orb Rare 13,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 155%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Bloody Orb Legendary 13,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 160%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Bolt Hat Common 5,600 G Boosts Ether by 20%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Bolt Hat Rare 5,600 G Boosts Ether by 21%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Bolt Hat Legendary 5,600 G Boosts Ether by 22%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Boxer Vambraces Common 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 35%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Boxer Vambraces Rare 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 40%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Boxer Vambraces Legendary 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 45%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Break Stone Common 13,000 G Increases auto-attack damage by 60%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Break Stone Rare 13,000 G Increases auto-attack damage by 65%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Break Stone Legendary 13,000 G Increases auto-attack damage by 70%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Bunnit Choker Common 1,300 G Increases Luck by 20.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Bunnit Choker Rare 1,300 G Increases Luck by 21.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Bunnit Choker Legendary 1,300 G Increases Luck by 22.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Burst Symbol Common 10,300 G Increases attack power ratio at the start of a Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Burst Symbol Rare 10,300 G Increases attack power ratio at the start of a Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Burst Symbol Legendary 10,300 G Increases attack power ratio at the start of a Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Buster-Mode Tora Legendary 1,000 G Restores 9% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Camo Hood Common 6,700 G Increases aggro reduction by 25%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Camo Hood Rare 6,700 G Increases aggro reduction by 26%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Camo Hood Legendary 6,700 G Increases aggro reduction by 27%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Candy Stripe Nia Legendary 1,000 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 24%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Cannon Attachment Common 1,800 G Increases attack power of Ether Cannon-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Cannon Attachment Rare 1,800 G Increases attack power of Ether Cannon-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Cannon Attachment Legendary 1,800 G Increases attack power of Ether Cannon-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gauntlet Common 17,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 50%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gauntlet Rare 17,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 52%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gauntlet Legendary 17,900 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 54%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gloves Common 16,200 G Boosts Dexterity by 30%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gloves Rare 16,200 G Boosts Dexterity by 31%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Carbon Gloves Legendary 16,200 G Boosts Dexterity by 32%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Ceramic Belt Common 16,200 G Boosts Strength by 30%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Ceramic Belt Rare 16,200 G Boosts Strength by 31%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Ceramic Belt Legendary 16,200 G Boosts Strength by 32%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Champion Belt Common 2,000 G Increases Strength by 25.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Champion Belt Rare 2,000 G Increases Strength by 26.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Champion Belt Legendary 2,000 G Increases Strength by 27.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Charm Bangle Common 15,500 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 60%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Charm Bangle Rare 15,500 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 65%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Charm Bangle Legendary 15,500 G Boosts Nullify Heal resistance by 70%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Charming Swimsuit Common 16,300 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 50%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Charming Swimsuit Rare 16,300 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 55%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Charming Swimsuit Legendary 16,300 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 60%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Cheer Treat Common 6,600 G Increases Affinity by 50% after winning a Special button challenge.
XC2 item icon Other.png Cheer Treat Rare 6,600 G Increases Affinity by 55% after winning a Special button challenge.
XC2 item icon Other.png Cheer Treat Legendary 6,600 G Increases Affinity by 60% after winning a Special button challenge.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Chivalric Medal Common 6,200 G Restores 3% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Chivalric Medal Rare 6,200 G Restores 3.2% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Chivalric Medal Legendary 6,200 G Restores 3.5% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Chrome Scarf Common 4,500 G Extends Break duration by 15%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Chrome Scarf Rare 4,500 G Extends Break duration by 17%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Chrome Scarf Legendary 4,500 G Extends Break duration by 19%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Classic Medal Common 3,600 G Absorbs 10% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Classic Medal Rare 3,600 G Absorbs 11% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Classic Medal Legendary 3,600 G Absorbs 12% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Cloud Sea King Rex Legendary 1,000 G Adds a 60% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Cloud Sea Shark Rex Legendary 10,000 G Reduces terrain damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Colorful Feather Common 1,600 G Start each battle with aggro. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Colorful Feather Rare 1,600 G Start each battle with aggro. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Colorful Feather Legendary 1,600 G Start each battle with aggro. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Comet Choker Common 11,700 G Boosts Luck by 30%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Comet Choker Rare 11,700 G Boosts Luck by 31%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Comet Choker Legendary 11,700 G Boosts Luck by 32%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Consul Greaves Common 22,300 G Increases movement speed in combat by 25%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Consul Greaves Rare 22,300 G Increases movement speed in combat by 30%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Consul Greaves Legendary 22,300 G Increases movement speed in combat by 35%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Consul Pauldrons Common 13,000 G Increases smash damage by 125%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Consul Pauldrons Rare 13,000 G Increases smash damage by 130%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Consul Pauldrons Legendary 13,000 G Increases smash damage by 135%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Crimson Headband Common 13,000 G Increases critical damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Crimson Headband Rare 13,000 G Increases critical damage by 55%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Crimson Headband Legendary 13,000 G Increases critical damage by 60%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Critical Symbol Common 14,800 G Increases critical hit rate during a Chain Attack by 50%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Critical Symbol Rare 14,800 G Increases critical hit rate during a Chain Attack by 52%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Critical Symbol Legendary 14,800 G Increases critical hit rate during a Chain Attack by 54%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Crystal Earrings Common 10,900 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Crystal Earrings Rare 10,900 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Crystal Earrings Legendary 10,900 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Crystal Greaves Common 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 75%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Crystal Greaves Rare 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 80%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Crystal Greaves Legendary 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 85%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Dark Orb Common 3,500 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 50%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Dark Orb Rare 3,500 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 55%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Dark Orb Legendary 3,500 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 60%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Dauntless Boots Common 20,300 G Boosts Agility by 35%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Dauntless Boots Rare 20,300 G Boosts Agility by 36%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Dauntless Boots Legendary 20,300 G Boosts Agility by 37%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Demon Orb Common 16,400 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 200%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Demon Orb Rare 16,400 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 205%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Demon Orb Legendary 16,400 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 210%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Diamond Common 19,500 G Restores 8% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Diamond Rare 19,500 G Restores 8.5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Diamond Legendary 19,500 G Restores 9% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Divine Vambraces Common 17,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 65%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Divine Vambraces Rare 17,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 70%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Divine Vambraces Legendary 17,900 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 75%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Dress Uniform Mòrag Legendary 1,000 G Boosts Dexterity by 32%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Edge Attachment Common 6,900 G Increases attack power of Big Bang Edge-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Edge Attachment Rare 6,900 G Increases attack power of Big Bang Edge-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Edge Attachment Legendary 6,900 G Increases attack power of Big Bang Edge-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Embercake Zeke Legendary 1,000 G Increases critical damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Enlightened Loincloth Common 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 75%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Enlightened Loincloth Rare 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 80%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Enlightened Loincloth Legendary 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 85%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Envoy's Footgear Common 6,600 G Take 15% less and deal 30% less damage.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Envoy's Footgear Rare 6,600 G Take 17% less and deal 35% less damage.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Envoy's Footgear Legendary 6,600 G Take 20% less and deal 40% less damage.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Eraser Orb Common 9,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 100%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Eraser Orb Rare 9,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 105%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Eraser Orb Legendary 9,100 G Increases damage dealt when an ally is incapacitated by 110%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Ester Shoes Common 16,200 G Boosts Agility by 30%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Ester Shoes Rare 16,200 G Boosts Agility by 31%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Ester Shoes Legendary 16,200 G Boosts Agility by 32%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Eyepatch Common 3,200 G Adds 20% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Eyepatch Rare 3,200 G Adds 22% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Eyepatch Legendary 3,200 G Adds 24% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fabulous Hat Common 3,200 G Increases Ether by 25.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fabulous Hat Rare 3,200 G Increases Ether by 26.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fabulous Hat Legendary 3,200 G Increases Ether by 27.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Fancy Sundress Nia Legendary 10,000 G Reduces terrain damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fiber Hat Common 16,200 G Boosts Ether by 30%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fiber Hat Rare 16,200 G Boosts Ether by 31%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fiber Hat Legendary 16,200 G Boosts Ether by 32%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fighter's Circlet Common 25,000 G Boosts Doom resistance by 90%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fighter's Circlet Rare 25,000 G Boosts Doom resistance by 95%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fighter's Circlet Legendary 25,000 G Boosts Doom resistance by 100%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fluffy Hat Common 700 G Increases Ether by 20.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fluffy Hat Rare 700 G Increases Ether by 21.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Fluffy Hat Legendary 700 G Increases Ether by 22.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Friendship Ring Common 600 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 25%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Friendship Ring Rare 600 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 27%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Friendship Ring Legendary 600 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 29%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Galaxy Cube Common 19,500 G Adds a 50% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Galaxy Cube Rare 19,500 G Adds a 55% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Galaxy Cube Legendary 19,500 G Adds a 60% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gamma Scope Common 16,500 G Reduces enemy Launch resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gamma Scope Rare 16,500 G Reduces enemy Launch resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gamma Scope Legendary 16,500 G Reduces enemy Launch resist.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Gargantuan Feather Common 10,900 G Start each battle with aggro. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Gargantuan Feather Rare 10,900 G Start each battle with aggro. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Gargantuan Feather Legendary 10,900 G Start each battle with aggro. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Garnet Common 9,400 G Restores 4% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Garnet Rare 9,400 G Restores 4.5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Garnet Legendary 9,400 G Restores 5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Gauntlet Common 6,200 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 20%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Gauntlet Rare 6,200 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 22%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Gauntlet Legendary 6,200 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 24%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Gear Vest Common 5,000 G Boosts maximum HP by 20%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Gear Vest Rare 5,000 G Boosts maximum HP by 21%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Gear Vest Legendary 5,000 G Boosts maximum HP by 22%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Glamorous Swimsuit Common 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 75%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Glamorous Swimsuit Rare 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 80%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Glamorous Swimsuit Legendary 20,400 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 85%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Goddess Banner Common 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 75%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Goddess Banner Rare 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 80%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Goddess Banner Legendary 7,700 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 85%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Goddess Choker Common 9,800 G Boosts Luck by 25%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Goddess Choker Rare 9,800 G Boosts Luck by 26%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Goddess Choker Legendary 9,800 G Boosts Luck by 27%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Gold Gear Choker Common 3,600 G Increases Luck by 25.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Gold Gear Choker Rare 3,600 G Increases Luck by 26.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Gold Gear Choker Legendary 3,600 G Increases Luck by 27.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gold Nopon Mask Common 16,500 G Increases aggro every second. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gold Nopon Mask Rare 16,500 G Increases aggro every second. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Gold Nopon Mask Legendary 16,500 G Increases aggro every second. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Golden Greaves Common 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 30%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Golden Greaves Rare 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 35%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Golden Greaves Legendary 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 40%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Golden Headband Common 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 40%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Golden Headband Rare 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 45%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Golden Headband Legendary 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 50%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Golden Sash Common 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 40%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Golden Sash Rare 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 45%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Golden Sash Legendary 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 50%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Golden Vambraces Common 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 40%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Golden Vambraces Rare 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 45%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Golden Vambraces Legendary 18,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 50%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Goliath Ring Common 22,300 G Extends Launch duration by 30%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Goliath Ring Rare 22,300 G Extends Launch duration by 31%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Goliath Ring Legendary 22,300 G Extends Launch duration by 32%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Grandarbor Ward Common 1,200 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 25%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Grandarbor Ward Rare 1,200 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 27%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Grandarbor Ward Legendary 1,200 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 29%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Graphite Greaves Common 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 100%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Graphite Greaves Rare 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 105%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Graphite Greaves Legendary 11,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 110%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Hammer Attachment Common 2,900 G Increases attack power of Shield Hammer-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Hammer Attachment Rare 2,900 G Increases attack power of Shield Hammer-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Hammer Attachment Legendary 2,900 G Increases attack power of Shield Hammer-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Harvest Necklace Common 3,800 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 10%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Harvest Necklace Rare 3,800 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 12%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Harvest Necklace Legendary 3,800 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 14%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Healing Amulet Common 6,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 30%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Healing Amulet Rare 6,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 32%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Healing Amulet Legendary 6,900 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 34%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Gloves Common 13,600 G Boosts Dexterity by 25%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Gloves Rare 13,600 G Boosts Dexterity by 26%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Gloves Legendary 13,600 G Boosts Dexterity by 27%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Hero Pauldrons Common 8,700 G Increases smash damage by 75%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Hero Pauldrons Rare 8,700 G Increases smash damage by 80%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Hero Pauldrons Legendary 8,700 G Increases smash damage by 85%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Vambraces Common 14,300 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 50%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Vambraces Rare 14,300 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 55%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Hero Vambraces Legendary 14,300 G Increases damage dealt to higher-level enemies by 60%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Hi-Tech Eyepatch Common 13,000 G Adds 50% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Hi-Tech Eyepatch Rare 13,000 G Adds 52% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Hi-Tech Eyepatch Legendary 13,000 G Adds 54% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Holy Necklace Common 15,600 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 20%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Holy Necklace Rare 15,600 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 22%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Holy Necklace Legendary 15,600 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 24%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Ice Headband Common 6,200 G Increases critical damage by 30%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Ice Headband Rare 6,200 G Increases critical damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Ice Headband Legendary 6,200 G Increases critical damage by 40%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Calm Common 5,700 G Increases resistance to Stench by 60%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Calm Rare 5,700 G Increases resistance to Stench by 65%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Calm Legendary 5,700 G Increases resistance to Stench by 70%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Insight Common 10,900 G Increases resistance to Stench by 90%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Insight Rare 10,900 G Increases resistance to Stench by 95%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Incense of Insight Legendary 10,900 G Increases resistance to Stench by 100%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Infantry Vest Common 2,000 G Increases maximum HP by 400.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Infantry Vest Rare 2,000 G Increases maximum HP by 450.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Infantry Vest Legendary 2,000 G Increases maximum HP by 500.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Infinity Greaves Common 31,800 G Increases movement speed in combat by 50%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Infinity Greaves Rare 31,800 G Increases movement speed in combat by 55%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Infinity Greaves Legendary 31,800 G Increases movement speed in combat by 60%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Infinity Symbol Common 16,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge at the end of each Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Infinity Symbol Rare 16,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge at the end of each Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Infinity Symbol Legendary 16,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge at the end of each Chain Attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Iron Headband Common 3,200 G Increases critical damage by 20%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Iron Headband Rare 3,200 G Increases critical damage by 25%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Iron Headband Legendary 3,200 G Increases critical damage by 30%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jade Vest Common 9,600 G Boosts maximum HP by 25%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jade Vest Rare 9,600 G Boosts maximum HP by 26%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jade Vest Legendary 9,600 G Boosts maximum HP by 27%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jet Pauldrons Common 10,400 G Increases smash damage by 100%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jet Pauldrons Rare 10,400 G Increases smash damage by 105%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Jet Pauldrons Legendary 10,400 G Increases smash damage by 110%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Katana Attachment Common 3,600 G Increases attack power of Chroma Katana-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Katana Attachment Rare 3,600 G Increases attack power of Chroma Katana-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Katana Attachment Legendary 3,600 G Increases attack power of Chroma Katana-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Knuckle Attachment Common 5,700 G Increases attack power of Knuckle Claws-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Knuckle Attachment Rare 5,700 G Increases attack power of Knuckle Claws-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Knuckle Attachment Legendary 5,700 G Increases attack power of Knuckle Claws-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Lance Attachment Common 1,200 G Increases attack power of Megalance-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Lance Attachment Rare 1,200 G Increases attack power of Megalance-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Lance Attachment Legendary 1,200 G Increases attack power of Megalance-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Lavender Potpourri Common 5,700 G Boosts taunt resistance by 90%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Lavender Potpourri Rare 5,700 G Boosts taunt resistance by 95%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Lavender Potpourri Legendary 5,700 G Boosts taunt resistance by 100%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Lazure Greaves Common 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Lazure Greaves Rare 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 20%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Lazure Greaves Legendary 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases evade rate by 25%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Lazure Headband Common 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 20%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Lazure Headband Rare 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 25%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Lazure Headband Legendary 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases critical hit rate by 30%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Lazure Sash Common 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 20%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Lazure Sash Rare 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 25%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Lazure Sash Legendary 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases damage dealt by 30%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Lazure Vambraces Common 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 20%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Lazure Vambraces Rare 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 25%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Lazure Vambraces Legendary 6,600 G When recoverable HP exists, increases guard rate by 30%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Leader's Eyepatch Common 8,200 G Adds 35% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Leader's Eyepatch Rare 8,200 G Adds 37% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Leader's Eyepatch Legendary 8,200 G Adds 39% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Leather Gloves Common 1,400 G Increases Dexterity by 20.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Leather Gloves Rare 1,400 G Increases Dexterity by 21.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Leather Gloves Legendary 1,400 G Increases Dexterity by 22.
XC2 item icon Other.png Love Thread Common 5,000 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 150cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Love Thread Rare 5,000 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 160cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Love Thread Legendary 5,000 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 170cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Male Loincloth Common 10,900 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 50%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Male Loincloth Rare 10,900 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 55%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Male Loincloth Legendary 10,900 G Increases damage dealt while Blade is the opposite gender by 60%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Marble Cameo Common 7,600 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 20%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Marble Cameo Rare 7,600 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 22%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Marble Cameo Legendary 7,600 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 24%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Master Attachment Common 26,000 G Increases the attack power of all weapon classes by 10%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Master Attachment Rare 26,000 G Increases the attack power of all weapon classes by 12%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Master Attachment Legendary 26,000 G Increases the attack power of all weapon classes by 14%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Master Scope Common 29,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Master Scope Rare 29,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Master Scope Legendary 29,800 G Reduces enemy Break resist.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Mechanized Greaves Common 4,000 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 50%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Mechanized Greaves Rare 4,000 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 55%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Mechanized Greaves Legendary 4,000 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 60%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Memory Locket Legendary 1,300 G Prevents Affinity loss when a teammate falls in battle.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Metal Nopon Mask Common 9,000 G Increases aggro every second. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Metal Nopon Mask Rare 9,000 G Increases aggro every second. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Metal Nopon Mask Legendary 9,000 G Increases aggro every second. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Military Medal Common 11,900 G Restores 4% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Military Medal Rare 11,900 G Restores 4.2% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Military Medal Legendary 11,900 G Restores 4.5% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Other.png Mint Potpourri Common 3,200 G Boosts taunt resistance by 60%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Mint Potpourri Rare 3,200 G Boosts taunt resistance by 65%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Mint Potpourri Legendary 3,200 G Boosts taunt resistance by 70%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Modern Medal Common 6,600 G Absorbs 15% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Modern Medal Rare 6,600 G Absorbs 16% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Modern Medal Legendary 6,600 G Absorbs 17% of critical damage dealt as HP.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Moon Cube Common 8,500 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Moon Cube Rare 8,500 G Adds a 25% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Moon Cube Legendary 8,500 G Adds a 30% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Muscle Belt Common 700 G Increases Strength by 20.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Muscle Belt Rare 700 G Increases Strength by 21.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Muscle Belt Legendary 700 G Increases Strength by 22.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Nacre Choker Common 5,100 G Boosts Luck by 20%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Nacre Choker Rare 5,100 G Boosts Luck by 21%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Nacre Choker Legendary 5,100 G Boosts Luck by 22%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Nano-Metal Gauntlet Common 14,300 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 40%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Nano-Metal Gauntlet Rare 14,300 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 42%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Nano-Metal Gauntlet Legendary 14,300 G Boosts recharge for Specials after canceling by 44%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Night-vision Kit Common 9,700 G Increases item drop collection range by 100cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Night-vision Kit Rare 9,700 G Increases item drop collection range by 105cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Night-vision Kit Legendary 9,700 G Increases item drop collection range by 110cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Noise Dampener Common 16,300 G Adds 65% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Noise Dampener Rare 16,300 G Adds 67% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Noise Dampener Legendary 16,300 G Adds 69% to damage ratio after canceling an auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Other.png Nopon Doll Common 10,900 G When a Driver is incapacitated, 50% of aggro is retained.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Nopon Mask Common 2,800 G Increases aggro every second. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Nopon Mask Rare 2,800 G Increases aggro every second. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Nopon Mask Legendary 2,800 G Increases aggro every second. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Vests.png Obligatory Leave Mòrag Legendary 10,000 G Reduces terrain damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Ocean Earring Common 23,800 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 60%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Ocean Earring Rare 23,800 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 65%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Ocean Earring Legendary 23,800 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 70%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Omega Drive Common 19,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each critical hit delivered.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Omega Drive Rare 19,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each critical hit delivered.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Omega Drive Legendary 19,500 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each critical hit delivered.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Optical Headband Common 10,400 G Increases critical damage by 40%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Optical Headband Rare 10,400 G Increases critical damage by 45%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Optical Headband Legendary 10,400 G Increases critical damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Overclocking Bangle Common 5,700 G Shortens cooldown time relative to the no. of Arts ready after a Blade Switch.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Overclocking Bangle Rare 5,700 G Shortens cooldown time relative to the no. of Arts ready after a Blade Switch.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Overclocking Bangle Legendary 5,700 G Shortens cooldown time relative to the no. of Arts ready after a Blade Switch.
XC2 item icon Other.png Passion Thread Common 9,500 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 200cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Passion Thread Rare 9,500 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 210cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Passion Thread Legendary 9,500 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 220cm.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Pearl Hat Common 9,600 G Boosts Ether by 25%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Pearl Hat Rare 9,600 G Boosts Ether by 26%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Pearl Hat Legendary 9,600 G Boosts Ether by 27%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Phantom Feather Common 8,700 G Start each battle with aggro. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Phantom Feather Rare 8,700 G Start each battle with aggro. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Phantom Feather Legendary 8,700 G Start each battle with aggro. (Major effect.)
XC2 item icon Belts.png Platinum Belt Common 16,200 G Extends Topple duration by 25%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Platinum Belt Rare 16,200 G Extends Topple duration by 26%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Platinum Belt Legendary 16,200 G Extends Topple duration by 27%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Platinum Nopon Mask Common 20,600 G Increases aggro every second. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Platinum Nopon Mask Rare 20,600 G Increases aggro every second. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Platinum Nopon Mask Legendary 20,600 G Increases aggro every second. (Extra-major effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Prairie Cap Common 20,300 G Boosts Ether by 35%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Prairie Cap Rare 20,300 G Boosts Ether by 36%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Prairie Cap Legendary 20,300 G Boosts Ether by 37%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Priestess's Auspices Common 3,200 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 60%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Priestess's Auspices Rare 3,200 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 65%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Priestess's Auspices Legendary 3,200 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 70%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Promise Ring Common 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 45%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Promise Ring Rare 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 47%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Promise Ring Legendary 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when reviving a teammate by 49%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Prototype Suit Rex Legendary 1,000 G Adds a 60% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Quantum Scarf Common 11,900 G Extends Break duration by 45%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Quantum Scarf Rare 11,900 G Extends Break duration by 47%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Quantum Scarf Legendary 11,900 G Extends Break duration by 49%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Rainbow Belt Common 20,300 G Extends Topple duration by 30%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Rainbow Belt Rare 20,300 G Extends Topple duration by 31%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Rainbow Belt Legendary 20,300 G Extends Topple duration by 32%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Rainbow Gloves Common 7,900 G Boosts Dexterity by 20%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Rainbow Gloves Rare 7,900 G Boosts Dexterity by 21%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Rainbow Gloves Legendary 7,900 G Boosts Dexterity by 22%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Rebirth Amulet Common 10,700 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 40%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Rebirth Amulet Rare 10,700 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 42%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Rebirth Amulet Legendary 10,700 G Boosts the effect of HP Potions by 44%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Recovery Symbol Common 8,700 G Heals 50% HP each time a Chain Attack is initiated.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Recovery Symbol Rare 8,700 G Heals 55% HP each time a Chain Attack is initiated.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Recovery Symbol Legendary 8,700 G Heals 60% HP each time a Chain Attack is initiated.
XC2 item icon Other.png Red Thread Common 1,100 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 100cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Red Thread Rare 1,100 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 110cm.
XC2 item icon Other.png Red Thread Legendary 1,100 G Extends the range of Driver-Blade Affinity by 120cm.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Resurrection Symbol Legendary 11,900 G Revives Driver each time a Chain Attack is initiated.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Revival Pod Legendary 29,700 G 100% chance to survive hit with 1 HP + 5 secs invincibility (once per battle).
XC2 item icon Vests.png Rigid Vest Common 700 G Increases maximum HP by 200.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Rigid Vest Rare 700 G Increases maximum HP by 250.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Rigid Vest Legendary 700 G Increases maximum HP by 300.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ring Attachment Common 6,900 G Increases attack power of Twin Rings-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ring Attachment Rare 6,900 G Increases attack power of Twin Rings-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Ring Attachment Legendary 6,900 G Increases attack power of Twin Rings-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Round Table Medal Common 14,300 G Restores 5% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Round Table Medal Rare 14,300 G Restores 5.2% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Round Table Medal Legendary 14,300 G Restores 5.5% HP when canceling an auto-attack with a Driver Art.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Rush Hour Common 1,400 G Expands the window of opportunity for canceling by 50%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Rush Hour Rare 1,400 G Expands the window of opportunity for canceling by 60%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Rush Hour Legendary 1,400 G Expands the window of opportunity for canceling by 70%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Saber Attachment Common 9,800 G Increases attack power of Variable Saber-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Saber Attachment Rare 9,800 G Increases attack power of Variable Saber-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Saber Attachment Legendary 9,800 G Increases attack power of Variable Saber-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sage's Auspices Common 5,700 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 90%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sage's Auspices Rare 5,700 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 95%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sage's Auspices Legendary 5,700 G Boosts Driver shackle resistance by 100%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Saint's Necklace Common 19,500 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 25%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Saint's Necklace Rare 19,500 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 27%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Saint's Necklace Legendary 19,500 G Improves the effect of Healing Arts by 29%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Sapphire Common 16,300 G Restores 6% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Sapphire Rare 16,300 G Restores 6.5% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Sapphire Legendary 16,300 G Restores 7% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Scarlet Inquisitor Mòrag Legendary 1,000 G Boosts Dexterity by 32%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scimitar Attachment Common 10,700 G Increases attack power of Catalyst Scimitar-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scimitar Attachment Rare 10,700 G Increases attack power of Catalyst Scimitar-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scimitar Attachment Legendary 10,700 G Increases attack power of Catalyst Scimitar-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scythe Attachment Common 10,700 G Increases attack power of Dual Scythes-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scythe Attachment Rare 10,700 G Increases attack power of Dual Scythes-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Scythe Attachment Legendary 10,700 G Increases attack power of Dual Scythes-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Seven-League Circlet Common 17,200 G Boosts Doom resistance by 60%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Seven-League Circlet Rare 17,200 G Boosts Doom resistance by 65%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Seven-League Circlet Legendary 17,200 G Boosts Doom resistance by 70%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Seven-Seas Earring Common 34,700 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 90%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Seven-Seas Earring Rare 34,700 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 95%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Seven-Seas Earring Legendary 34,700 G Boosts resistance to Party-Gauge- draining attacks by 100%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Shell Cameo Common 1,100 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 10%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Shell Cameo Rare 1,100 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 12%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Shell Cameo Legendary 1,100 G Increases HP restored to self (not using HP Potions) by 14%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Shell Shoes Common 7,900 G Boosts Agility by 20%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Shell Shoes Rare 7,900 G Boosts Agility by 21%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Shell Shoes Legendary 7,900 G Boosts Agility by 22%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Shield Attachment Common 9,800 G Increases attack power of Drill Shield-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Shield Attachment Rare 9,800 G Increases attack power of Drill Shield-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Shield Attachment Legendary 9,800 G Increases attack power of Drill Shield-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Shining Justice Zeke Legendary 1,000 G Increases critical damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sigma Drive Common 23,800 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each Driver Art used.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sigma Drive Rare 23,800 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each Driver Art used.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sigma Drive Legendary 23,800 G Slightly fills the Party Gauge for each Driver Art used.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Silver Belt Common 9,600 G Boosts Strength by 25%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Silver Belt Rare 9,600 G Boosts Strength by 26%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Silver Belt Legendary 9,600 G Boosts Strength by 27%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Silver Earrings Common 4,500 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Silver Earrings Rare 4,500 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Silver Earrings Legendary 4,500 G Fills Party Gauge on "Excellent" Specials. (Minor effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Silver Feather Common 5,000 G Start each battle with aggro. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Silver Feather Rare 5,000 G Start each battle with aggro. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Medals.png Silver Feather Legendary 5,000 G Start each battle with aggro. (Medium effect.)
XC2 item icon Hats.png Skeleton Hood Common 12,400 G Increases aggro reduction by 30%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Skeleton Hood Rare 12,400 G Increases aggro reduction by 31%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Skeleton Hood Legendary 12,400 G Increases aggro reduction by 32%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Skullface Punk Tora Legendary 1,000 G Restores 9% HP of damage dealt after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Smithy Gloves Common 4,000 G Increases Dexterity by 25.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Smithy Gloves Rare 4,000 G Increases Dexterity by 26.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Smithy Gloves Legendary 4,000 G Increases Dexterity by 27.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Soldier Ring Common 6,700 G Extends Launch duration by 15%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Soldier Ring Rare 6,700 G Extends Launch duration by 16%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Soldier Ring Legendary 6,700 G Extends Launch duration by 17%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Spiked Pauldrons Common 5,000 G Increases smash damage by 50%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Spiked Pauldrons Rare 5,000 G Increases smash damage by 55%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Spiked Pauldrons Legendary 5,000 G Increases smash damage by 60%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Spirit Tree Ward Common 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 35%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Spirit Tree Ward Rare 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 37%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png Spirit Tree Ward Legendary 4,700 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 39%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Spring Shoes Common 4,000 G Increases Agility by 15.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Spring Shoes Rare 4,000 G Increases Agility by 16.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Spring Shoes Legendary 4,000 G Increases Agility by 17.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Star Cube Common 16,300 G Adds a 35% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Star Cube Rare 16,300 G Adds a 40% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Star Cube Legendary 16,300 G Adds a 45% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Staunch Boots Common 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 125%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Staunch Boots Rare 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 130%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Staunch Boots Legendary 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to toppled enemies by 135%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Steam Belt Common 5,000 G Boosts Strength by 20%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Steam Belt Rare 5,000 G Boosts Strength by 21%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png Steam Belt Legendary 5,000 G Boosts Strength by 22%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sunlight Choker Common 14,600 G Boosts Luck by 35%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sunlight Choker Rare 14,600 G Boosts Luck by 36%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Sunlight Choker Legendary 14,600 G Boosts Luck by 37%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Surfinator Zeke Legendary 10,000 G Reduces terrain damage by 35%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Survivor's Footgear Common 18,600 G Take 25% less and deal 50% less damage.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Survivor's Footgear Rare 18,600 G Take 27% less and deal 55% less damage.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Survivor's Footgear Legendary 18,600 G Take 30% less and deal 60% less damage.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sword Attachment Common 10,700 G Increases attack power of Aegis Sword-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sword Attachment Rare 10,700 G Increases attack power of Aegis Sword-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Sword Attachment Legendary 10,700 G Increases attack power of Aegis Sword-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Swordfighting Banner Common 4,500 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 50%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Swordfighting Banner Rare 4,500 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 55%.
XC2 item icon Other.png Swordfighting Banner Legendary 4,500 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 60%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Tachyon Scarf Common 14,900 G Extends Break duration by 60%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Tachyon Scarf Rare 14,900 G Extends Break duration by 62%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Tachyon Scarf Legendary 14,900 G Extends Break duration by 64%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Terror Masque Common 6,600 G Deal 50% more and take 25% more damage.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Terror Masque Rare 6,600 G Deal 55% more and take 27% more damage.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Terror Masque Legendary 6,600 G Deal 60% more and take 30% more damage.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Titanium Vest Common 16,200 G Boosts maximum HP by 30%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Titanium Vest Rare 16,200 G Boosts maximum HP by 31%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Titanium Vest Legendary 16,200 G Boosts maximum HP by 32%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Twin Trunks Vest Common 20,300 G Boosts maximum HP by 35%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Twin Trunks Vest Rare 20,300 G Boosts maximum HP by 36%.
XC2 item icon Vests.png Twin Trunks Vest Legendary 20,300 G Boosts maximum HP by 37%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Tyrant Ring Common 17,800 G Extends Launch duration by 25%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Tyrant Ring Rare 17,800 G Extends Launch duration by 26%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Tyrant Ring Legendary 17,800 G Extends Launch duration by 27%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Unicorn Scarf Common 8,200 G Extends Break duration by 30%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Unicorn Scarf Rare 8,200 G Extends Break duration by 32%.
XC2 item icon Chokers.png Unicorn Scarf Legendary 8,200 G Extends Break duration by 34%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Vanish Hood Common 15,500 G Increases aggro reduction by 35%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Vanish Hood Rare 15,500 G Increases aggro reduction by 36%.
XC2 item icon Hats.png Vanish Hood Legendary 15,500 G Increases aggro reduction by 37%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Violent Stone Common 16,300 G Increases auto-attack damage by 80%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Violent Stone Rare 16,300 G Increases auto-attack damage by 85%.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png Violent Stone Legendary 16,300 G Increases auto-attack damage by 90%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Vivid Mitts Common 20,300 G Boosts Dexterity by 35%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Vivid Mitts Rare 20,300 G Boosts Dexterity by 36%.
XC2 item icon Gloves.png Vivid Mitts Legendary 20,300 G Boosts Dexterity by 37%.
XC2 item icon Other.png War God Banner Common 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 125%.
XC2 item icon Other.png War God Banner Rare 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 130%.
XC2 item icon Other.png War God Banner Legendary 14,900 G Increases damage dealt to launched enemies by 135%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Whip Attachment Common 6,900 G Increases attack power of Whipsword-class weapons by 25%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Whip Attachment Rare 6,900 G Increases attack power of Whipsword-class weapons by 27%.
XC2 item icon Cubes.png Whip Attachment Legendary 6,900 G Increases attack power of Whipsword-class weapons by 29%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png White Belt Common 7,100 G Extends Topple duration by 15%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png White Belt Rare 7,100 G Extends Topple duration by 16%.
XC2 item icon Belts.png White Belt Legendary 7,100 G Extends Topple duration by 17%.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Wolf Shoes Common 1,400 G Increases Agility by 10.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Wolf Shoes Rare 1,400 G Increases Agility by 11.
XC2 item icon Shoes.png Wolf Shoes Legendary 1,400 G Increases Agility by 12.
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png World Tree Drop Common 19,500 G Increases damage dealt per Blade Switch by 10% (max: 250%).
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png World Tree Drop Rare 19,500 G Increases damage dealt per Blade Switch by 11% (max: 250%).
XC2 item icon Jewelry.png World Tree Drop Legendary 19,500 G Increases damage dealt per Blade Switch by 12% (max: 250%).
XC2 item icon Medals.png World Tree Ward Common 8,900 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 45%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png World Tree Ward Rare 8,900 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 47%.
XC2 item icon Medals.png World Tree Ward Legendary 8,900 G Increases the HP restored when being revived by 49%.

Torna weapons[edit]

Name Value Effect
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blazing Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blazing Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blazing Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blizzard Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blizzard Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Blizzard Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gale Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gale Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gale Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gloom Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gloom Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Gloom Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Terra Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Terra Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Terra Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Thunder Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Thunder Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Thunder Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Torrent Braid Common 1,000 G Adds a 10% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Torrent Braid Rare 5,000 G Adds a 15% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Battle Braid.png Torrent Braid Legendary 18,000 G Adds a 20% chance of attacking again after a successful auto-attack.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aero Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aero Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aero Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aqua Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aqua Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Aqua Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Electro Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Electro Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Electro Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Geo Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Geo Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Geo Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Glacio Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Glacio Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Glacio Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Pyro Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Pyro Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Pyro Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Umbra Greatsword Common 1,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Umbra Greatsword Rare 5,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Greatsword.png Umbra Greatsword Legendary 18,000 G Increases critical hit rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Arctic Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Arctic Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Arctic Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Cimmerian Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Cimmerian Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Cimmerian Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Fulmen Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Fulmen Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Fulmen Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Inferno Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Inferno Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Inferno Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Seismic Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Seismic Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Seismic Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Tempest Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Tempest Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Tempest Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Vortex Sword Common 1,000 G Increases block rate by 5%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Vortex Sword Rare 5,000 G Increases block rate by 10%.
XC2 item icon Arming Sword.png Vortex Sword Legendary 18,000 G Increases block rate by 15%.



The following are the icons used for accessories.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]



Torna ~ The Golden Country[edit]

