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A Tora and Poppi Production

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A Tora and Poppi Production
A Tora and Poppi Production Heart-to-Heart.jpg
Location Fonsa Myma, Uraya
(Mymoma Playhouse)
Characters Rex, Nia, Tora, Dromarch, Poppi α, Azurda
Required story progress After Iona is kidnapped by Malos and Akhos
Inn Rest at Folmarie Inn

A Tora and Poppi Production is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found at the Mymoma Playhouse in Fonsa Myma, Kingdom of Uraya. Staying at the Folmarie Inn is required to view this Heart-to-Heart.


Inn dialogue[edit]

XC2 character icon Tora.png
Tora and friends should go to Cole's theater!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Any special reason?
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Tora and Poppi practicing play!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
I knew you two were up to something.
XC2 character icon Tora.png
That right! Play about interesting story Tora hear from local littlepon!
Rex-Rex should come and see our little show!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
That sounds really fun, Tora!
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Also, Tora have little request for Nia too.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Huh? What's that?
XC2 character icon Tora.png
It secret!
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Well, why don't we go and take a look?


XC2 character icon Tora.png
Ladies and gentlepon, thank you for join us here today!
We hope you enjoy performance of “Uraya Goes To War”.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
This is gonna be so much fun!
XC2 character icon Empty.png
Are we the only ones watching? Where did Nia go off to?
XC2 character icon Rex.png
I dunno...
The camera rotates from Tora's left to his right, revealing Nia on the stage.
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Queen Raqura! Me think time has come to go to war with Mor Ardain!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
This is most sudden, War Minister.
XC2 character icon Dromarch.png
My lady...
XC2 character icon Rex.png
Wow, you're great Nia!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Shut it, you! I didn't ask to take part in this farce!
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Ahem. This not sudden, Your Majesty.
We preparing for war ever since Mor Ardain take occupation of Gormott.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Then the preparations are complete?
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Preparations go steady for long time, but we can quickly make complete.
Mor Ardain soon try to conquer other countries aside from Gormott.
We can not allow ambitions to succeed. Must start war at earliest possibility!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
I see...
So be it, then. Let us make war.
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Wait one moment please!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You have concerns, High Minister?
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Titan of Mor Ardain quickly becoming so barren, crops can not be grown.
Meanwhile we have rich soil, producing much delicious Gromrice.
Why bother with war when Mor Ardain collapse on its own from famine?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
A valid question.
XC2 character icon Tora.png
No, no. If we wait, Mor Ardain just conquer more territories like Gormott.
With more territories, Mor Ardain become still greater threat!

Even if Mor Ardain Titan collapse completely, may still be difficult to defeat whole Empire!

Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
There no need to be hasty.
Mor Ardain still not have enough territory or supplies to properly provide for own people.
Gormott alone not enough to support whole of Ardainian population.
In other words, more prudent to wait for Mor Ardain to grow weaker before attacking.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Your argument is compelling.
XC2 character icon Tora.png
That not happen today or tomorrow though!
No! Might take many decades to happen, or even centuries!
We can not allow Mor Ardain threat to remain longer than necessary!
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
That quite true, but now is not time to rush into things!
War preparations may be in progress, but still not in optimal condition!
XC2 character icon Tora.png
This argument never end. Your Majesty must make final decision!
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Huh? You want me to decide?
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Your Majesty is Queen of Uraya.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Oh...yeah, right...
XC2 character icon Nia.png
What should I say?
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Let's go to war!
XC2 weapon icon Catalyst Scimitar.png Trust +100, XC2 character icon Poppi Alpha.png Trust +100
XC2 character icon Nia.png
Let's wait a little longer.
XC2 weapon icon Catalyst Scimitar.png Trust +100, XC2 character icon Poppi Alpha.png Trust +100
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
XC2 character icon Nia.png
What now? Did you both forget your lines?
XC2 character icon Tora.png
Script of “Uraya Goes To War” end here. No more lines to say.
Poppi α
XC2 character icon Poppi α.png
Thank you for coming today, everyone!
XC2 character icon Empty.png
I see, I see...
By showing this play to the children, you'll get them to think for themselves about whether Uraya should go to war.
XC2 character icon Dromarch.png
That's quite clever, actually.
XC2 character icon Rex.png
It's a difficult question. I can see the kids having split opinions, too.
XC2 character icon Nia.png
You force me to take part in this thing and then it just ends like that?!
This is SO not satisfying!

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English A Tora and Poppi Production
Japan flag.svg Japanese トラとハナの演劇
France flag.svg French Tora et Poppi présentent... Tora And Poppi Presents...
Germany flag.svg German Tora und Poppi machen Theater
Spain flag.svg Spanish Una producción de Tora y Poppi
Italy flag.svg Italian Una produzione Tora & Poppi
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 虎与花的演剧
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 寅與華的戲劇
South Korea flag.svg Korean 토라와 하나의 연극
