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A Ship in a Stormy Sea

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A Ship in a Stormy Sea
Original Title (あらし)船上 (せんじょう)
Composer(s) ACE
Length 3:32
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

A Ship in a Stormy Sea is Disc 1, Track 6 on the Xenoblade2 Original Soundtrack and Disc 6, Track 6 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

It plays when Rex and the other salvagers aboard the Maelstrom prepare to dive into the Cloud Sea to retrieve Addam's ship.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by TOMOri Kudo. No official translation exists.

「グーラ領」に続いて一番初期の頃に作った曲になります。ストリングス全ユニゾンの演奏がオーケストラらしく好きなので、そんな曲にしたいなというところから始まり、嵐の海は実は激しいのに遠目ではとてもレガートに見えて、近づくと一気にフォルテッシモで飲み込まれる! ……そんな情景を思い浮かべながら、また、嵐のように荒れた心情のシーンでも使えたらいいな、そんなイメージで作りました。コーラスも素敵ですね。

Wiki icon - Translation.svg This section needs to be translated.
This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.

In Super Smash Bros.[edit]

Main article: List of SSBU Music (Xenoblade Chronicles series) on SmashWiki

A looped version of A Ship in a Stormy Sea is one of the music tracks in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, available on the Gaur Plain and the Cloud Sea of Alrest stages.