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A Life Woven Together

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A Life Woven Together
Original Title (つむ)がれる (いのち)
Composer(s) Yasunori Mitsuda
Length 3:13
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Future Redeemed

A Life Woven Together is Disc 2, Track 11 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 13, Track 11 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box.

Its melody is based upon variations of Off-Seer - Noah's B section (at 1:14) and Off-Seer - Mio's A section (at 2:37).

It plays in the following instances:

Xenoblade Chronicles 3[edit]

Main story[edit]


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Future Redeemed[edit]

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Yasunori Mitsuda. No official translation exists.

Original text

魂の粒子が舞い上がり、目に見える光景はどこまでも美しいのに真実は救いようのない残酷な世界。 そんなイメ ージで作曲したわけですが、悲しいとか、切ないとか、 希望があるとかそうした感情は一切なく、ただただ現実 を受け入れ生きていくしかない、という非常に表現が難しい曲でした。 また、 その中でも3つの構成で曲に微妙 な変化を付けていくという事を試みています。ふわふわとした掴み所がなく宙に浮いた曲を書くのは大好きなの で、作曲している時は無心になって作りました。

Unofficial translation

“Motes of light from their souls soaring into the heavens, revealing an endlessly beautiful view, but in a cruel and unrelenting world”: I wrote this song with such an idea in mind. It was a very difficult concept to express with the music, as there are no emotions like sadness, melancholy or even hope; there is only the acceptance of the harsh realities for the sake of survival. But within all that, I’ve also attempted to add 3 small points of inflection within the song. I love writing music that has such vague and elusive qualities to it that it just floats in the air, so I became absorbed and completely lost myself writing this song.