Xenosaga Episode II

Ω System

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Ω System
Ω System.png
Segment Addresses 17
Music Ω System

Ω (Omega) System is an area in Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Böse. It is the final story dungeon of the game.


Upon recovering Proto Ω and the original Zohar within Labyrinthos on Old Miltia, Sergius activates the Ω System, a giant winged entity that completely destroys the planet. The party members make their way into the Ω System using the Elsa and fight their way through until they encounter Sergius, who uses Proto Ω to fire upon and destroy Albedo. After being defeated by the party members in battle, Sergius hopes to use Proto Ω again to destroy them, but the Testaments show up and kill him. The Testaments then revive Albedo. The party is able to escape when Ziggy punches through the wall and they flee onto the Elsa. The Ω System falls apart afterwards, being replaced by the Space-Time Anomaly.


Normal enemies[edit]




  • Ω System emerging and destroying Old Miltia is similar how Deus emerged from Merkava and terraforms the planet in Xenogears.
    • Additionally, Ω System's appearance is similar to Deus on the world map.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Ω System
France flag.svg French Ω Système
Germany flag.svg German Ω-System Ω System
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The editor who added this tag elaborates: Japanese


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